| - An election is a process in which certain people are entitled to vote in order to decide who fills a vacancy. This article is a stub help this Wiki City by expanding this article.
- Elections occur every three, four, or five years and are a way of measuring whether the player will be re-elected into office.
- Elections is a trap for fools.
- Held in the democratically-supported region The South Pacific, elections are an important facet which all members may partake in. There are restrictions, but, in general, elections are a fun and exciting event in The South Pacific.
- "elections" -Initializing world databanks For every country in the world, the simulator takes into account a certain mass of data appearing in our databanks: * -dates of the upcoming presidential and parliamentary elections (Upper House and Lower House) * -voting system for both these elections: majority vote/proportional, one or two rounds, direct or indirect suffrage * -minimum voting age -Running of elections in the game NB: a newsletter will exclusively focus on the engine’s significant calculations, explaining in further detail the formulation of popularity and of different alignments.
- Elections are arguably the most important aspect of Particracy. Elections occur at different times in every nation - they occur either at the end of a legislative term (which can last between 24 and 72 months) or when an early election bill is passed. The amount of seats per region is controllable by the legislature. It is a constitutional option, with three possible values: The amount of seats allocated in total is a fixed value (in current game parameters, it can be any number from 75 to 750, with legislatures having seat amounts at both ends of the scale in some nations).
- The constitution has been accepted by all admins on October 5, 2014 AD at 5:27 PM ELECTIONS If running put in apporpriate spots and do not remove someone else. President: JayLastname V. President: Head Admin: V. Admin: Sec. of Defense: JayLastname Sec. of Mapping: Sec. of Media: Supreme Court Justice(2): Court Justice(6): Article 1 1-Freedom of Speech: Knowing that we can’t eliminate what we said, what we thought, what we shared, and we can’t be forced to ban our words. 2-Non-Government Press: We want our press! We want a non-censored press, a press that says the truth, and keep us informed! Head Admin
| - An election is a process in which certain people are entitled to vote in order to decide who fills a vacancy. This article is a stub help this Wiki City by expanding this article.
- Elections occur every three, four, or five years and are a way of measuring whether the player will be re-elected into office.
- Elections is a trap for fools.
- The constitution has been accepted by all admins on October 5, 2014 AD at 5:27 PM ELECTIONS If running put in apporpriate spots and do not remove someone else. President: JayLastname V. President: Head Admin: V. Admin: Sec. of Defense: JayLastname Sec. of Mapping: Sec. of Media: Supreme Court Justice(2): Court Justice(6): Article 1 1-Freedom of Speech: Knowing that we can’t eliminate what we said, what we thought, what we shared, and we can’t be forced to ban our words. 2-Non-Government Press: We want our press! We want a non-censored press, a press that says the truth, and keep us informed! 3-Frequent elections, no admin can delay or stop them. 4-Checks and Balances, 3 government branches no person can be in more than one branch. Article 2 - Section 1 1-Elections: Current elections! We want to vote for our leaders, we want current elections and with good candidates! 2-Government Branches: We propose 3 government branches, the Media Branch, which controls the media the expansion of this document and pictures and literature, the Defence Branch, which controls conflicts and peace out wars, and finally, the Mapping department, which oversees the all mapping types and mapper balls and help Mappers in troubles. 3-Elections every 2 weeks, 2 terms allowed per 2 months. Article 2 - Section 2 The positions for candidacy are President of the Wiki Vice President of the Wiki Head Admin Vice Admin Secretary of Defence Secretary of Mapping Secretary of Media Supreme Court Justices Court Justices Article 2 - Section 3 To qualify to be elected you must be all of the following: 1-Must be on the wiki for at least 2 months but there are exceptions 1.5-Must be on the wiki for at least 3 months but there are exceptions.(if running for admin) 2-Parties are NOT allowed and all parties will be considered factions, a level 3 crime. 3-You can run for more than 1 position but can only win in one(Ex. MOAP wins Pres and V. Pres but only can choose one) Article 3 1-Bans must be addressed by a council not just by an admin's choice. 1.5-The Secretaries of Defence, Media, both Admins, and both Presidents. 2-MOAP and Batran are automatically given the postitions of Guardians of the Wiki unless they are found corrupt in a court of law and are also limited by the Secretaries of Defence, Media, both Admins, and both Presidents unless a State of Wiki Emergency is declared. 3-All positions may be impeached in a court of law by the positions not being impeached. 3.5-Ex. If President is being impeached VP,HA,VA,Sec. of Defence,Media,Supreme Court Justices, and Court Justices. Article 4 1-There are 2 Supreme Court Justices and 6 Court Justices. 2-In the event of a tie any neutral representative will decide the tie breaker. 2.5-If no neutral representative is found a neutral non-representative will be apppointed temporary Court Justice statis to decide. 3-If a law is broken the person who commited the crime will be tried in a court of law by a jury of their own peirs and one Court Justice will work as the Judge. 3.5-Crimes are seperated into 3 catergories: Level 1-Petty Level 2-Intermediate Level 3-Unacceptable If someone is charge with a petty crime they are innocent until proven guilty.(Ex. Arcy is charged with Spamming-1 banned from editting/creating pages for 1 week) If someone is charged with a intermediate crime they are innocent until proven guilty but there punishment will be slightly more severe.(Ex. Arcy is charged with ExcessiveHarassment-2 banned from using chat and or posting on someone else's message wall for 2.5 weeks) If someone is charged with an unacceptable crime they are guilty until proven innocent.(Ex. Arcy is charged with DeclaringWarOnTheWiki-3 banned permanently from the wiki) Hereby created and proposed by, JayLastname MrAmericanMapper Miguelhdzb Goldenrebel25
- Elections are arguably the most important aspect of Particracy. Elections occur at different times in every nation - they occur either at the end of a legislative term (which can last between 24 and 72 months) or when an early election bill is passed. At each election, each party gains a certain amount of votes in each region. This is based on many factors - these include ideology and the regional ideology, bill voting percentage, proportion of bills passed and the amount of competition in the election for Head of State (if there is one). The seats are then allocated on a proportional representation basis per region (via the D'Hondt method) in the legislative election, and in the Head of State election (if there is one) slightly different factors give a first-round vote tally, with the top two candidates going forward to a second-round of voting (if the amount of votes by any one candidate did not exceed 50% in the first round). The amount of seats per region is controllable by the legislature. It is a constitutional option, with three possible values:
* A proportional algorithm that gives a very small advantage to larger regions
* A pseudo-proportional algorithm that gives considerable advantage to smaller regions.
* Equal representation, regardless of regional population. The amount of seats allocated in total is a fixed value (in current game parameters, it can be any number from 75 to 750, with legislatures having seat amounts at both ends of the scale in some nations). Although all parties must run in elections for the legislature of the country in question, they may choose not to run a candidate (and/or endorse another candidate if there is no candidate from their own party) or they may be unable to due to an hereditary Head of State. For elections outside of gameplay mechanics, see Non-standard elections.
- Held in the democratically-supported region The South Pacific, elections are an important facet which all members may partake in. There are restrictions, but, in general, elections are a fun and exciting event in The South Pacific.
- "elections" -Initializing world databanks For every country in the world, the simulator takes into account a certain mass of data appearing in our databanks: * -dates of the upcoming presidential and parliamentary elections (Upper House and Lower House) * -voting system for both these elections: majority vote/proportional, one or two rounds, direct or indirect suffrage * -minimum voting age -Running of elections in the game * "Elections" menu La rubrique "Elections" du menu de la politique nationale est dédiée au fonctionnement des différentes élections. On y trouve de nombreuses informations et les actions possibles du joueur. Hors période électorale, le joueur peut proposer via ce menu des changements dans la Constitution : mode de scrutin, durée et nombre de renouvellement des mandats, âge minimum pour voter. * Primary elections During the presidential election, Primary elections last approximately two months on average, during which political parties officially appoint their own candidate. In the US, Super Tuesday is staged on the opening Tuesday of February (or March) and its purpose is to appoint democrat and republican candidates. As appointments evolve, selected candidates appear in the "Candidate" tab featured in the "Elections" section. When it comes to making a decision, parties of considerable importance often need more time than small less influential ones. The player does not face primary elections: if he or she accepts to run for office, the support of his or her party will be unconditional. However, if the player does not wish to continue at the end of his or her term of office, primary elections will then take place inside his or her own party. Primary elections end at the outset of the official campaign: come this date, it is an obligation for all parties to have chosen their candidate. * Election platform From the outset of the campaign, the player may draw up his or her own platform. In the "Platform" tab, he or she may choose three proposals appearing on a lengthy list. These proposals may be quantified by the player (example: election pledge concerning the lowering of unemployment figures to x % of the working population) or picked at face value (example: winning the next FIFA World Cup). Once this platform is drawn up, it is assessed by all the characters featured in the game, and it is they who form an opinion on its relevance and will position themselves according to their interests come voting time (see "Calculation of votes" below). The platform is also a committment which will be under scrutiny, if the player is re-elected, thoughout the duration of his or her term of office: should this platform fail to meet expectations, all the characters featured in the game will take these broken promises into account when they decide to put their faith in the player (nb: being in line with a character corresponds to a level of friendship: "do I appreciate this person or not?"). * Meetings ("Campaign" tab) Throughout the campaign, the player may arrange meetings in the cities of his or her choice. This will enable him or her to boost his or her image in the regions to which these chosen cities belong. For efficiency’s sake, meetings must be scheduled in convenient periods of time otherwise they will have no impact. * Vote rigging ("Campaign" tab) Le joueur peut sShould he or she wish to do so, the player may decide to defraud. Three proposals are at his or her disposal: destruction of voting papers, double registration of voters, votes of deceased persons. These actions will have an impact on the final result, yet obviously entail a risk factor as they may be disclosed and lead to scandals. Such risks are assessed according to the level of restriction of freedom present in the country and to the efficiency of secret services (this topic will be highlighted in another newsletter covering the scandals issue). * Opinion polls Throughout the campaign, polls regularly fall and their results are displayed in the left hand part of the "Elections" section. * Ballot system The running of the election is always in conformity with the ballot system existing in the country: direct or indirect suffrage, one or two rounds. Between both rounds, a debate between both finalists is always broadcast on television. * Results The player is informed by a phone call from the principal private secretary if he or she has won the election or not. In the case of indirect suffrage, the player is only re-elected (or not) following M.P.’s votes. The new term of office only officiallly begins on the day of nomination. -Calculation of votes NB: a "character" is a household name in the country and all characters are available in the "Categories of characters" selection window, appearing in order to fix an appointment, for example. Each character featured in the game votes for one sole candidate: the one with which he or she will be the most in line with. This alignment depends on the following parameters (with varied coefficients): * political alignment: to what extent character and candidate share the same political convictions * "actions" alignment: this only concerns the candidate running for Head of State; to what extent the character approves of measures carried out by the player since taking up office. * election pledges: this only concerns the candidate running for Head of State; to what extent the character approves the platform drawn up by the player * next of kin alignment: this only concerns the candidate runing for Head of State; should the character be a family member of the Head of State (mother, father, wife...) * candidates’ popularity rating NB: a newsletter will exclusively focus on the engine’s significant calculations, explaining in further detail the formulation of popularity and of different alignments. Characters’ votes have a varied impact on the final result. The impact of a character’s vote depends on the following personal parameters (with varied coefficients): * popularity : to what extent such a character is appreciated * extent of fame: to what extent such a character is famous * magnetism: to what extent such a character is influential * political relevance: to what extent such a character is committed to political life The nation has its say regarding each candidate. This in fact indicates their respective popularity rating. A candidate’s final result is for one half made up of characters’ votes and for the other half of the nation’s votes. Once voting has come to an end, all of the candidates’ final results are compared, thereby determining the percentages attributed to each of them. -Dictatures In those countries where free elections by universal suffrage do not exist, the player still has a term of office to honour and when the latter comes to an end, he or she must face an appointment procedure. This is the case for sole party governed countries electing their Head of State through party assemblies (as in China, for example), or for monarchies where potentates delegate the powers of the Executive to a politician (as in Jordan, for example). Should he or she have become unpopular, the player may very well not continue. The only cases where the player enjoys unrestricted lifetime power is when he or she personifies a monarch-head of the Executive (as in Saudi Arabia, for example), or when he or she is constitutionally appointed for life (as in Lybia, for example).