| - Basically, the fridge is the perfect place to hide, if you don't mind the cold. It muffles any noises you make, and whoever you're waiting for is bound to show up sooner or later. And they're guaranteed not to expect you, at least not in there. Plus, hey, there's food if you get hungry! Examples of Refrigerator Ambush include:
| - Basically, the fridge is the perfect place to hide, if you don't mind the cold. It muffles any noises you make, and whoever you're waiting for is bound to show up sooner or later. And they're guaranteed not to expect you, at least not in there. Plus, hey, there's food if you get hungry! This trope is very different from It Came From the Fridge, since that's about something that grew out of old and moldy food left in a fridge, while this is just someone hiding in the fridge. Similarly, it has nothing to do with being Stuffed Into the Fridge, which is involuntary. Also unrelated to Fridge Logic or Fridge Horror. Examples of Refrigerator Ambush include: