Yuul was a Sullustan ensign assigned to the engineering staff onboard the Admiral Ackbar during the blockade of the Murgo Choke. Lieutenant Yuul became one of the only surviving members of the engineering staff when the Dark Nest launched its attack against the ships of the Galactic Alliance Fifth Fleet. Yuul reported to Admiral Bwua'tu that Captain Urbok and Lieutenant Commander Reo had been killed by Gorog assassins, while Lieutenant Aramb had been paralyzed by their venom. Yuul presumed the Admiral himself would oversee engineering, but instead Bwua'tu gave Yuul an instant promotion. Captain Yuul returned to the engineering station to find out the condition of the Ackbar.
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| - Yuul era un alférez sullustano comisionado en el personal de ingeniería a bordo del Almirante Ackbar durante el bloqueo del Murgo Choke. Fue uno de los pocos sobrevivientes del personal de ingeniería cuando el Nido Oscuro lanzó su ataque contra las naves de la Quinta Flota de la Alianza Galáctica. Yuul le reportó al almirante Nek Bwua'tu que la capitana Urbak y el teniente comandante Reo habían muerto a manos de asesinos gorog, y que el teniente Aramb estaba paralizado por el veneno. El almirante le dio a Yuul una promoción inmediata, como jefe de la sección de ingeniería del Almirante Ackbar.
- Yuul was a Sullustan ensign assigned to the engineering staff onboard the Admiral Ackbar during the blockade of the Murgo Choke. Lieutenant Yuul became one of the only surviving members of the engineering staff when the Dark Nest launched its attack against the ships of the Galactic Alliance Fifth Fleet. Yuul reported to Admiral Bwua'tu that Captain Urbok and Lieutenant Commander Reo had been killed by Gorog assassins, while Lieutenant Aramb had been paralyzed by their venom. Yuul presumed the Admiral himself would oversee engineering, but instead Bwua'tu gave Yuul an instant promotion. Captain Yuul returned to the engineering station to find out the condition of the Ackbar.
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| - Yuul era un alférez sullustano comisionado en el personal de ingeniería a bordo del Almirante Ackbar durante el bloqueo del Murgo Choke. Fue uno de los pocos sobrevivientes del personal de ingeniería cuando el Nido Oscuro lanzó su ataque contra las naves de la Quinta Flota de la Alianza Galáctica. Yuul le reportó al almirante Nek Bwua'tu que la capitana Urbak y el teniente comandante Reo habían muerto a manos de asesinos gorog, y que el teniente Aramb estaba paralizado por el veneno. El almirante le dio a Yuul una promoción inmediata, como jefe de la sección de ingeniería del Almirante Ackbar.
- Yuul was a Sullustan ensign assigned to the engineering staff onboard the Admiral Ackbar during the blockade of the Murgo Choke. Lieutenant Yuul became one of the only surviving members of the engineering staff when the Dark Nest launched its attack against the ships of the Galactic Alliance Fifth Fleet. Yuul reported to Admiral Bwua'tu that Captain Urbok and Lieutenant Commander Reo had been killed by Gorog assassins, while Lieutenant Aramb had been paralyzed by their venom. Yuul presumed the Admiral himself would oversee engineering, but instead Bwua'tu gave Yuul an instant promotion. Captain Yuul returned to the engineering station to find out the condition of the Ackbar.