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- It was unquestionably the assertion that Harlune was Asheron that provided the seed of the idea, and it germinated when I started thinking about how portals only appeared in placed the Empyrean had visited.
- When I created Harlune, I had no plan in mind beyond "he was a powerful life mage." But I created him early in beta, when I just tossed stuff out without considering the broader ramifications. I hadn't fully familiarized myself with the world yet. In retrospect, it's a good thing Witch Cave never made it in.
- Chain_LC wrote:
When they were laying the backstory for the game they probably had Harlune all worked out.
Ah, you give me too much credit, and assume we had more than we did. ^_^ At ship, we had a few pieces of lore and a handful of overview docs - not much beyond that. The Empyrean development of portalspace, for example, amounted to three line-items: Asheron uses portal magic to trap BZ, Asheron creates a stable portal, Asheron brings in the bugs.