| - The Afterlife & Rebirth series (Japanese: ポケットモンスター来世&リバース Pocket Monsters Afterlife & Rebirth) is the seventh series of the Pokémon anime, following after the Sun & Moon series, and based on the events of the Generation VIII games. As with the previous six series', the Afterlife & Rebirth series began with only Ash Ketchum, heading off to a new region with his Pikachu while wearing a new set of clothes. Travelling to the new Eleftheria region, he discovers Serena, one of his companions from Kalos, has followed him. Eventually, they travel together again and meet Wyatt, a new Trainer, and Professor Acacia, the region's Pokémon Professor. All four of them adventure around Eleftheria. Jessie, James, Meowth and Wobbuffet continue to follow Ash and his friends.