| - This is a two-character dynamic that frequently shows up in fiction. Somewhere in the Backstory, two male friends are making their way in the world as Those Two Bad Guys, keeping up the Masquerade for the Ancient Conspiracy, going to war for The Empire or doing hits for The Syndicate. One day, orders come down from the top to Shoot the Dog. The "Outside" man pulls a Heel Face Turn and refuses to go along with it. They may have fallen In Love with the Mark, had his training wear off, or decided Even Evil Has Standards. May overlap with Red Oni, Blue Oni. Compare Internal Reformist.
| - This is a two-character dynamic that frequently shows up in fiction. Somewhere in the Backstory, two male friends are making their way in the world as Those Two Bad Guys, keeping up the Masquerade for the Ancient Conspiracy, going to war for The Empire or doing hits for The Syndicate. One day, orders come down from the top to Shoot the Dog. The "Outside" man pulls a Heel Face Turn and refuses to go along with it. They may have fallen In Love with the Mark, had his training wear off, or decided Even Evil Has Standards. This moral awakening will prompt him to announce that he's leaving and ask for his companion to come with him. The "Inside" man will refuse, and his reason why will be reflected in his role in the series:
* He is unshakably loyal to the organization. He'll be The Dragon and is vulnerable to Redemption Equals Death.
* He feels staying is the best way to increase his own power. At some point, this type will overthrow the organization and take over as the Big Bad.
* He agrees with the objection, but feels that the only way things will change is if he can gain enough power within the organization. At this point the "Inside" man will attempt to kill the "Outside" (with varying degrees of seriousness), but The Power of Friendship means that he can't quite go through with it. The "Outside" man will then go off and join (or found) La RĂ©sistance as its key member. Alternately, he may go Walking the Earth to stay out of the reach of the organization. May overlap with Red Oni, Blue Oni. Compare Internal Reformist. Note: When listing examples, list the "Outside" man first. Examples of Outside Man Inside Man include: