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- Le Tanker [ˈtæŋkər] est un poids lourd disponible dans les épisodes de la série Grand Theft Auto suivants :
* Grand Theft Auto 1
* Grand Theft Auto: London 1969
* Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas
* Grand Theft Auto: Chinatown Wars
- Tanker is the drummer of his band, Team Samurai. By shouting the phrase "Let's kick some Giga-Butt!" & hitting his drumsticks together. He can enter the digital world in the vehicle known as Tracto.
- Tanker (タラバTankua Tanker?) is one of Vector's many cyborg henchmen. He was not originally named, but is identified in the Japanese version of Angel of the Innocents as being based on a reader's design. Tanker later became one of Kaos' bodyguards alongside Geppa.
- The Tanker is a large tanker truck that has appeared in Grand Theft Auto 1, Grand Theft Auto: London 1969, Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas, Grand Theft Auto: Chinatown Wars and Grand Theft Auto V.
- Birthdate- March 15 Age- 54 (deceased) Gender- Male Affiliation- East Death Planet Previous affiliation(s)- Flame Village
- The Tanker is a Ragger mutation created by the T-Lyssa Virus.
- Tankers are oil tanker ships, in Just Cause (1).
- Tanker on pelaaja joka kehittaa vain defencen 99 melee taidoista. Maxed tank tarkoittaa pelaajaa jolla on attack 75 strenght 75 defence 99 ranged 99 magic 99 prayer 99 summoning 99. Tankkereita kannattaa pyytää esim bossin tappoon jos olet pure tai low level pelaaja. Tankin tunnistaa usein tälläisistä varusteista: Armadyl chestplate Armadyl chainskirt Torag, Verac, slayer tai Armadyl helmet dragonfire shield tai specrtral spirit shield dragon boots rune crossbow.
- The Tanker is a large tanker truck that has appeared in Grand Theft Auto 1, Grand Theft Auto: London 1969, Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas and Grand Theft Auto: Chinatown Wars.
- The Tanker is a sea unit in Game Boy Wars 3. It can give supplies to ships, a useful ability for areas where they have to navigate through island-riddled seas. It has no combat abilities and glaringly bad defense for a ship, resulting in it being one of the 5 units that can be instantly killed by an unboosted 6 HP unit.
- The Tanker is a boss from Final Fantasy X. During Sin's attack on Dream Zanarkand at the start of the game, Tidus and Auron will engage in three battles. The final one will be against the Tanker and Sinscales. As extra data, is impossible to defeat it with Overkill.
- Faction: Hero The Tanker's power sets are: Primary: Defense Secondary: Melee The Tanker has high hit points and medium damage.
- Tankers appear to occupy a logistics support role in the naval formations encountered throughout Armored Core: For Answer. They have no offensive capabilities and their armor is typically defeated by roughly two shots from a rifle. They are more than likely carrying volatile fuels or ammunition, as they explode dangerously when destroyed, damaging the player NEXT and destroying most surrounding Normals and other ships.
- A tanker was a starship classification used for a starship in a support role. Tankers are a type of freighter used for the transporting of fuel. Some tanker classes can be modified for the transporation of passengers. During wars, tankers are escorted by military ships. Very rarely, tankers can refuel other ships. (Decipher RPG module: Starships)
- Captain Korok commanded a D5-class deuterium tanker during the 2140s and 2150s. During this time, he harassed the residents of the small deuterium mining colony operated by Tessic, taking the majority of the deuterium for his own ship. (ENT: "Marauders")
- Tanker (zpo_tanker in game files) is a map medium-large what takes place in a oil ship. Basically, the map has 3 stages This map is considered the "trap more biggest ever" by the zombie spawns and the poor number of weapons and ammo. For Survivors, a hell. For zombies, heaven.
- Driver: SWAT team officers (Assumed) Special Weapon: A freeze missile followed by a flamethrower, effectively torching the target. Armor: 1/10 Speed: 9/10 Control: 9/10
- Tanker is a psychologically challenged Krogan, perfect as a leading lieutenant and enforcer of the Black Suns organization. In his younger life at the age of 250, Tanker was once one of the most destructive warlords in the galaxy. He was hell-bent on bringing out the fall of the Citadel races, specifically the Turians, and getting revenge for the disaster known as the Genophage. He made many attempts to bring about the fall of the Turians, each of them failing and causing the destruction of his krantts. Losing many of these krantts has done nothing but bolster his resolve in decimating the galactic community, but he didn't have the power to do so.
- A tanker is a limited-role starship with the primary function of transporting large quantities of fuel and other liquid-state items. Loads can include deuterium, anti-deuterium and antimatter waste. The Osaka-class starship served as a tanker, refueling other Starfleet starships in at least the 23rd century. (Starship Recognition Files 2) The Emdor-class starship was an antimatter tanker developed by Starfleet in the 2370s. USS Ragronok was a ship of this class. (Trekker's Alternity Galactopedia)
- Een tanker is een persoon die meestal alle klappen moet oppakken. Bijvoorbeeld bij de God Wars dungeon wordt een tanker altijd gebruikt. Een tanker zorgt ervoor dat het monster jouw eerst aanvalt. Dus bijvoorbeeld bij General Graardor in de God Wars dungeon, de tanker valt Generaal Graardor het eerst aan en zet zijn Protect from Melee aan. Nu valt de generaal de tanker alleen met melee aan. Nu moet de rest van jouw team de Generaal aanvallen en je team leden zetten Protect from Missles aan.
- Der Tanker ist ein großes Bodenfahrzeug aus Ratchet & Clank 3, das sowohl bei den Zerstöre deine Welt Arenakämpfen als auch bei den Thyrranoiden verwendet wurde, um hartnäckigen Wiederstand mithilfe von Raketen und Falmmenwerfern auszuschalten. Oftmals versteckte sich der Panzer da, wo an ihn schlecht sehen konnte. Dann schoss er blitzschnell aus seinem Versteck hervor und griff seine Opfer an. Dieser Tanker war sehr stark gepanzert, so das selbst einige der mächtigsten Waffen der Solana - Galaxie etwas brauchten, um die Panzerung zu durchschlagen. Seine Waffen hatten eine ziemlich große Reichweite und verfügten über geringe Zielsuchende Fähigkeiten. Kategorie:Gadetron Kategorie:Fahrzeuge Kategorie:Kerwan Kategorie:Zerstöre deine Welt Kategorie:Thyrranoiden Kategorie:Gegner Kategorie:Ratch
- thumb|Der Tanker Kobayashi Maru. Ein Tanker ist in der Raumschiff-Klassifikation ein speziell ausgestattetes Frachtschiff, das in der Lage ist flüssige oder gasförmige Energieträger für Raumschiffe oder Außenposten zu transportieren und sie direkt damit zu befüllen. Die Malon verwenden Tanker als Müllboote, um Antimaterieabfälle zu entsorgen. (VOY: , )