| - The blue mighty slayer helmet (cf) is a level 70 slayer helmet with bonuses equivalent to a hybrid barrows helmet. It is made by upgrading a strong slayer helmet for 600 slayer reward points at any slayer master, although subsequent upgrades will only cost 60 points. It has the following effects from its components:
* It provides a 14% boost in damage and accuracy on Melee, Ranged, and Magic attacks against the player's current Slayer assignment
* Like earmuffs, it deafens the screams of banshees
* Like a face mask, it protects players from the dust in the Smoke Dungeon and from stat-draining attacks by dust devils
* Like a nose peg, it blocks stat-draining attacks by aberrant spectres
* Like a spiny helmet, it protects players from wall beasts The slayer helmet is an All-class item, which means its armour stat is used in full when defending against any style. It can also be used as an enchanted gem. It has been charged with some summoning scrolls. These scrolls are automatically and randomly used while in combat, and don't use special move points. It can be reverted to a normal helmet by removing the scrolls and having Pikkupstix unenchant it. The helm can hold a maximum of 30 ferocious ring charges and 40 ring of slaying charges, made by using the rings on the helmet and requiring 60 Crafting. For example, using a ferocious ring with 5 charges on a fused slayer helmet that has 27 charges ferocious ring charges already will result in 3 charges being added to the helmet and 2 charges remaining on the ring. Fused slayer helmets allow using the teleports from the ferocious ring and the ring of slaying. Additionally, helmets fused with ferocious rings give the 4% damage boost in Kuradal's Dungeon. However, they do not provide ring of life-style teleport that the ferocious ring does. Fused slayer helmets can also be recharged with co-op points. For 4000 loyalty points, players can buy the ability to change the colour of their slayer helmet, and this works for all variations of slayer helmets except the most basic slayer helmet. By using the helmet on Xuan or Dilwyn, it can be recoloured to the colours blue, yellow, red, and green. Recolouring the full slayer helmet also changes the colour of the backplate to pastel pink. This ability cannot be refunded, but once bought, players can change the colour of their helmet as many times as they like. The pink backplate can only be removed/changed by reverting to the original colour. The four versions are:
* File:Mighty slayer helmet (cf) (red).png Mighty slayer helmet (cf) (red)
* File:Mighty slayer helmet (cf) (blue).png Mighty slayer helmet (cf) (blue)
* File:Mighty slayer helmet (cf) (green).png Mighty slayer helmet (cf) (green)
* File:Mighty slayer helmet (cf) (yellow).png Mighty slayer helmet (cf) (yellow)