Abridgimon The Movie is a series created by The AbridgedRockShooter Team based on the 2000 movie made by Fox Kids. The original Digimon movie released in America is a compilation of three Digimon movies (Digimon 01, Our War Game!, and Hurricane Touchdown; The Golden Digimentals, respectively). The Abridged movie is being split into around 16 parts, due to the movie being 2 hours. The voice cast is dominantly male, with females playing comedy relief or bit parts. The voice cast for Abridgimon the Movie is quite large, as all members of The AbridgedRockShooter Team are on board as well as some outsourced voice actors.
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| - Abridgimon The Movie is a series created by The AbridgedRockShooter Team based on the 2000 movie made by Fox Kids. The original Digimon movie released in America is a compilation of three Digimon movies (Digimon 01, Our War Game!, and Hurricane Touchdown; The Golden Digimentals, respectively). The Abridged movie is being split into around 16 parts, due to the movie being 2 hours. The voice cast is dominantly male, with females playing comedy relief or bit parts. The voice cast for Abridgimon the Movie is quite large, as all members of The AbridgedRockShooter Team are on board as well as some outsourced voice actors.
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| - Abridgimon The Movie is a series created by The AbridgedRockShooter Team based on the 2000 movie made by Fox Kids. The original Digimon movie released in America is a compilation of three Digimon movies (Digimon 01, Our War Game!, and Hurricane Touchdown; The Golden Digimentals, respectively). The Abridged movie is being split into around 16 parts, due to the movie being 2 hours. The voice cast is dominantly male, with females playing comedy relief or bit parts. The voice cast for Abridgimon the Movie is quite large, as all members of The AbridgedRockShooter Team are on board as well as some outsourced voice actors.