| - Boris Casoy, a Brazilian journalist, was born in 1941 in São Paulo of Jewish Ukrainian immigrant parents. He has spent most of his professional life in TV journalism and is currently a Brazilian TV news anchorman. Casoy's journalism career started when he worked as a reporter for the now extinct television network, TV Tupi, on 1961. From 1974 to 1984, Casoy was the Chief Editor of the Paulista newspaper,Folha de S. Paulo. On 1988, Casoy returned to television as the anchor of a new newscast for SBT, Telejornal Brasil (TJ Brasil, for short). TJ Brasil ran from 1988 until being canceled in 1997. After TJ Brasil, he became the main anchor of Rede Record's national news, Jornal da Record. Casoy was fired from TV Record in late December 2005 - officially, for disagreements with changes that the station wanted to make on his program. However, he had revealed that there was massive pressure from the Worker's Party, since he and his crew were unrelenting in investigating and exposing corruption in the Lula government. [1] After being fired from Rede Record, Casoy return back to television, but this time on a small regional television network in Rio de Janeiro, TV JB. He was the main anchor to the main newscast, Telejornal do Brasil. On April 14, 2008, Boris Casoy returned back to national television on Rede Bandeirantes as the main anchor for its nightly newscast, Jornal da Noite. Casoy also presents the news in Rede Bandeirantes radio news network, BandNews FM.