| - Homunculi are artificial life forms (often, but not always, artificial humans) created through alchemy. Their abilities and traits vary depending on how they were created.
- They were created with alchemy long ago and when they die, they only remain dead for a few days and then revive. They can speak and understand human language and they love shining things, like the stars and candy.
- Homunculi are artificially created beings with special powers, with a mind, soul, and spirit connecting them to the body. Currently, only six are in existence of the original seven Malygos created. All Homunculi (save for Envy as of its resurrection) serve Malygos. They were each named after one of the seven deadly sins. Each Homunculus - With the possible exception of, once again, Envy - Is connected to a crystal in Malygos's possession. Envy (Formerly Deceased) can transform into anything Lust can transform her fingers into swords that can cut through anything.
- Homunculi (singular: Homunculus) are a singular, powerful race born of human blood and the alchemy of several Magicians, supersoldiers intended to be capable of combating even the strongest of the Three Factions, a manifestation of humanity's desire to stand out and come on top against all oppression, or atleast, those were the original intentions behind their creation. However, alchemists with several pacts to some of the deepest and darkest Devils of the Underworld decided to ambititously attempt to pursue the creation of Homunculi for their personal glory and fame among their own race, and as a result, in the rituals for their creation, they were each infused with both the vices and virtues of humanity on a whole, becoming, in a sense, perfect representations of the human race, but not
| - Homunculi are artificially created beings with special powers, with a mind, soul, and spirit connecting them to the body. Currently, only six are in existence of the original seven Malygos created. All Homunculi (save for Envy as of its resurrection) serve Malygos. They were each named after one of the seven deadly sins. Each Homunculus - With the possible exception of, once again, Envy - Is connected to a crystal in Malygos's possession. Envy (Formerly Deceased) can transform into anything Lust can transform her fingers into swords that can cut through anything. Gluttony can dissolve any material with his saliva Greed can create a nearly impenetrable shield over his body Sloth is made of fluid that she can control with her will Wrath can perform alchemy, transmuting one thing to another, and can merge things with his own body. All can regenerate their body extremely quickly. All are currently part of Malygos's personal escort, except Envy, who was killed when he/it tried to conspire with Zev Raregroove to kill Malygos. Following its revival, however, Envy is serving an unknown benefactor who revived it from its unusual state of death.
- Homunculi are artificial life forms (often, but not always, artificial humans) created through alchemy. Their abilities and traits vary depending on how they were created.
- They were created with alchemy long ago and when they die, they only remain dead for a few days and then revive. They can speak and understand human language and they love shining things, like the stars and candy.
- Homunculi (singular: Homunculus) are a singular, powerful race born of human blood and the alchemy of several Magicians, supersoldiers intended to be capable of combating even the strongest of the Three Factions, a manifestation of humanity's desire to stand out and come on top against all oppression, or atleast, those were the original intentions behind their creation. However, alchemists with several pacts to some of the deepest and darkest Devils of the Underworld decided to ambititously attempt to pursue the creation of Homunculi for their personal glory and fame among their own race, and as a result, in the rituals for their creation, they were each infused with both the vices and virtues of humanity on a whole, becoming, in a sense, perfect representations of the human race, but not perfect representations of what the human race wanted to become, as the very nature of man stopped man from achieving their own self-developing desires. Considered to the be the ultimate epitome and pinnacle of mankind's alchemy, these beings number in the mere hundreds, however, they possess incredible adapabtability and intelligience that may soon warrant humankind being considered a serious competitor to the Three Factions, especially in their weakened states. Considered the ultimate race, emerging to put an end to this war, the Homunculi's extremely long lifespan, immense individual power, capability to be created endlessly or biologically reproduce, and their inheritance of what power humankind had to begin with, renders Homunculi a race one should never trifle with, lest they wish to die.