Generation III (also sometimes known as the advance or advanced generation, most likely because they were playable on the Game Boy Advance) the was the third set of games introduced in the Pokémon franchise. It introduced 135 new Pokémon, the largest amount ever since Generation I (at the time of Generation III's release). This generation's first games were Pokémon Ruby and Sapphire, followed by remakes of the original Generation I games Pokémon FireRed and LeafGreen and finally ended with a third version of Ruby and Sapphire, Pokémon Emerald. The Generation III is currently sold in failed reaching/licensed countries, such as Libya, Serbia, and Scotland.
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- Generation III
- Generation III
| - Pokémon Rubin & Saphier • Pokémon Feuerrot & Blattgrün • Pokémon SmaragtPokémon Colosseum • Pokémon Box Rubin & Saphier • Pokémon XD: Der Dunkle Sturm • Pokémon Dash • Pokémon Link! • Pokémon Tsuri Taikai DS• Pinball Rubin und Saphir • Super Smash Bros. Melee • Channel• Pokémon Ranger
- 寵物小精靈第三世代,又稱超世代,主要在Game Boy Advance上,冒險地圖主要為豐緣地區(紅寶石·藍寶石·綠寶石版)/關都地區&七之島(火紅·葉綠版),包含以下遊戲(以日本發售日期為主)寵物小精靈 紅寶石·藍寶石版(ポケットモンスター ルビー・サファイア):使用GBA主機,2002年11月21日發售。寵物小精靈 火紅·葉綠版(ポケットモンスター ファイアレッド・リーフグリーン):使用GBA主機,為紅、綠兩版的重製作,2004年1月29日發售。寵物小精靈 綠寶石版(ポケットモンスター エメラルド):使用GBA主機,2004年9月16日發售。寵物小精靈數目:豐緣圖鑑202種/關都圖鑑151種/全國圖鑑386種新增寵物小精靈:135種初選寵物小精靈:木守宮、火稚雞、水躍魚(紅寶石·藍寶石·綠寶石)/奇異種子、小火龍、車厘龜(火紅·葉綠版)傳說寵物小精靈:雷吉洛克、雷吉艾斯、雷吉斯奇魯、拉帝亞斯、拉帝歐斯、蓋歐卡、固拉多、烈空座幻之寵物小精靈:基拉祈、代歐奇希斯反派組織:火岩隊、水艦隊(紅寶石·藍寶石·綠寶石版)/火箭兵團(火紅·葉綠版)從此代開始,除了遊戲畫面出現重大改變,也增加了特性、性格等因素,此外還有寵物小精靈的華麗度,藉此參加華麗大賽。戰鬥新增雙打對戰,環境也受當地天氣影響,戰鬥環境除了可改變寵物小精靈的戰鬥力外,還可以改變招式的效果。
- Generation III (also sometimes known as the advance or advanced generation, most likely because they were playable on the Game Boy Advance) the was the third set of games introduced in the Pokémon franchise. It introduced 135 new Pokémon, the largest amount ever since Generation I (at the time of Generation III's release). This generation's first games were Pokémon Ruby and Sapphire, followed by remakes of the original Generation I games Pokémon FireRed and LeafGreen and finally ended with a third version of Ruby and Sapphire, Pokémon Emerald. The Generation III is currently sold in failed reaching/licensed countries, such as Libya, Serbia, and Scotland.
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Japanese Title
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| - Logo's of the final game in Hoenn
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Romaji Title
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| - Pokémon Rubin & Saphier • Pokémon Feuerrot & Blattgrün • Pokémon SmaragtPokémon Colosseum • Pokémon Box Rubin & Saphier • Pokémon XD: Der Dunkle Sturm • Pokémon Dash • Pokémon Link! • Pokémon Tsuri Taikai DS• Pinball Rubin und Saphir • Super Smash Bros. Melee • Channel• Pokémon Ranger
- Generation III (also sometimes known as the advance or advanced generation, most likely because they were playable on the Game Boy Advance) the was the third set of games introduced in the Pokémon franchise. It introduced 135 new Pokémon, the largest amount ever since Generation I (at the time of Generation III's release). This generation's first games were Pokémon Ruby and Sapphire, followed by remakes of the original Generation I games Pokémon FireRed and LeafGreen and finally ended with a third version of Ruby and Sapphire, Pokémon Emerald. The Generation III is currently sold in failed reaching/licensed countries, such as Libya, Serbia, and Scotland. Chronologically, Ruby, Sapphire and Emerald take place in the same timeline as Generation I.
- 寵物小精靈第三世代,又稱超世代,主要在Game Boy Advance上,冒險地圖主要為豐緣地區(紅寶石·藍寶石·綠寶石版)/關都地區&七之島(火紅·葉綠版),包含以下遊戲(以日本發售日期為主)寵物小精靈 紅寶石·藍寶石版(ポケットモンスター ルビー・サファイア):使用GBA主機,2002年11月21日發售。寵物小精靈 火紅·葉綠版(ポケットモンスター ファイアレッド・リーフグリーン):使用GBA主機,為紅、綠兩版的重製作,2004年1月29日發售。寵物小精靈 綠寶石版(ポケットモンスター エメラルド):使用GBA主機,2004年9月16日發售。寵物小精靈數目:豐緣圖鑑202種/關都圖鑑151種/全國圖鑑386種新增寵物小精靈:135種初選寵物小精靈:木守宮、火稚雞、水躍魚(紅寶石·藍寶石·綠寶石)/奇異種子、小火龍、車厘龜(火紅·葉綠版)傳說寵物小精靈:雷吉洛克、雷吉艾斯、雷吉斯奇魯、拉帝亞斯、拉帝歐斯、蓋歐卡、固拉多、烈空座幻之寵物小精靈:基拉祈、代歐奇希斯反派組織:火岩隊、水艦隊(紅寶石·藍寶石·綠寶石版)/火箭兵團(火紅·葉綠版)從此代開始,除了遊戲畫面出現重大改變,也增加了特性、性格等因素,此外還有寵物小精靈的華麗度,藉此參加華麗大賽。戰鬥新增雙打對戰,環境也受當地天氣影響,戰鬥環境除了可改變寵物小精靈的戰鬥力外,還可以改變招式的效果。
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