| - Angela Larkin first appeared in the debut issue of Belch Dimension Comics. She is 15, and a student at Carbuncle High School in Jigaboo Junction. Series creator J.M. Sweet named and based her on a girl he knew since grade school, whom he admired. He described it as a "schoolboy crush--sort of like Dante had for Beatrice [Portinari]...not carnal at all, merely sweet and innocent, and done largely from afar. I like to think she was one of the few people who ever understood me." Angela is third-in-command under Joshua; her position in the succession ladder is noted in "Demi-Jon" when they consider asking Jon to step down (owing to Demi-Jon's horrid behavior causing them to think their leader has gone insane). She can hold her own with the boys; however, she is often relegated to the role of "damsel in distress" because of the overwhelming sexist nature of villains, who frequently exploit her femininity by tying her up, taking her hostage, or forcing her into unwelcome, awkward situations. Her sex aside, she is no doubt intelligent and resourceful, proving an admirable soldier and even a capable field leader when she must. Angela is, as most of the main characters in the series, rendered as a stick-figure, with curly blonde hair tied with a pink hair ribbon and pink sneakers. When, on occassion, she is called upon to wear clothes--generally as part of a disguise--she looks to have an impressive curvy figure.