| - During the New Sith Wars, a group of refugees fled from the planet Ruusan following the Ruusan campaign. However, their ship emerged out of hyperspace at the wrong coordinates, crashing on Kro Var, an inhospitable planet located in the Unknown Regions of the galaxy. The survivors of the crash formed into various clans and, over generations, fought among themselves for control of resources. The result of this infighting was technological regression to the point where the weapons of choice on Kro Var were simple melee weapons. Eventually, some of the survivors demonstrated sensitivity to the Force and became known as "Shapers". The clan conflicts became more aggressive, and the Shapers played an important part in them, using their powers to shape the elements and lead their clans.
- The Shapers of Kro Var were an order of dark-side-wielding Force-users indigenous to the planet Kro Var. They originated circa 1000 BBY when a damaged cruiser fleeing the devastation of the New Sith Wars crashed on Kro Var. The survivors of the crash then eked out an existence on the inhospitable world. Eventually, the population split into clans and underwent technological regression as infighting between clans occurred. Force-sensitive individuals became leaders within the clans and were referred to as Shapers. Eventually, the Republic and the Jedi Order made contact with Kro Var and, after some initial hostility initiated by the Shapers of Kro Var toward the Jedi, were able to establish peaceful relations. This allowed the Shapers to travel offworld and explore the galaxy, which they co
| - During the New Sith Wars, a group of refugees fled from the planet Ruusan following the Ruusan campaign. However, their ship emerged out of hyperspace at the wrong coordinates, crashing on Kro Var, an inhospitable planet located in the Unknown Regions of the galaxy. The survivors of the crash formed into various clans and, over generations, fought among themselves for control of resources. The result of this infighting was technological regression to the point where the weapons of choice on Kro Var were simple melee weapons. Eventually, some of the survivors demonstrated sensitivity to the Force and became known as "Shapers". The clan conflicts became more aggressive, and the Shapers played an important part in them, using their powers to shape the elements and lead their clans. Eventually, a Galactic Republic trading vessel discovered Kro Var. The planet's power structure was thrown into chaos as a result of the sudden contact with the galaxy, and a group of Jedi were sent to Kro Var to regain order and bring the people there back into galactic society. However, the Shapers were suspicious of the Jedi, resulting in a brief conflict between them. Peace was eventually restored, and the Jedi decided that the Shapers were not users of the dark side of the Force. The Jedi Order later sent envoys to monitor the Shapers and learn their Force techniques. Some Shapers also took the opportunity to leave Kro Var and spread throughout the galaxy during this time, though they were considered primitive. Shapers tended to remain on Kro Var, but small numbers of them did leave their homeworld and travel elsewhere. At one point near the end of the Republic's regime, some of their membership came into conflict with the Confederacy of Independent Systems and fought against their battle droids during the Clone Wars.
- The Shapers of Kro Var were an order of dark-side-wielding Force-users indigenous to the planet Kro Var. They originated circa 1000 BBY when a damaged cruiser fleeing the devastation of the New Sith Wars crashed on Kro Var. The survivors of the crash then eked out an existence on the inhospitable world. Eventually, the population split into clans and underwent technological regression as infighting between clans occurred. Force-sensitive individuals became leaders within the clans and were referred to as Shapers. Eventually, the Republic and the Jedi Order made contact with Kro Var and, after some initial hostility initiated by the Shapers of Kro Var toward the Jedi, were able to establish peaceful relations. This allowed the Shapers to travel offworld and explore the galaxy, which they continued to do into the Clone Wars. The Shapers were considered superstitious and proud of their powers. They distrusted Force-users who used invisible manifestations such as telekinesis or mind tricks, and individuals with those talents on Kro Var were persecuted. Instead, most of the Shapers' abilities were focused around warfare and the harnessing of the elements of earth, fire, water, and air. As such, their particular uses of the Force centered on utilizing and manipulating the powers of nature to suit their needs.