| - Every Warbike will be heavily personalized, as each Ork regards his bike as his personal steed and is immensely proud of his own tinkering and decoration, or any Mekboy kustom-jobs he has had added. All Warbikes will be emblazoned with glyphs and totems. Extra spikes, horns and wheel scythes are common, along with larger, louder exhausts. The longer the Ork has owned his Warbike, the more adaptations he will have made, with the bike growing over time along with its rider. Hence, an Ork Nob's bike will be a far more impressive machine (to another Ork) than that of a new Biker Boy's. An Ork Warboss' warbike will be larger and more impressive again; such is the natural order of Ork society.
| - Every Warbike will be heavily personalized, as each Ork regards his bike as his personal steed and is immensely proud of his own tinkering and decoration, or any Mekboy kustom-jobs he has had added. All Warbikes will be emblazoned with glyphs and totems. Extra spikes, horns and wheel scythes are common, along with larger, louder exhausts. The longer the Ork has owned his Warbike, the more adaptations he will have made, with the bike growing over time along with its rider. Hence, an Ork Nob's bike will be a far more impressive machine (to another Ork) than that of a new Biker Boy's. An Ork Warboss' warbike will be larger and more impressive again; such is the natural order of Ork society. Ork Warbikes are ramshackle devices created from as many parts as possible, designed and maintained by the Mekboyz to fulfill two important Ork urges: to move as fast as possible and to make as much noise while doing so. The bikes are more than a method of delivering Orks into combat -- they also serve as weapon platforms for the so-called Deffgunz, also sometimes called "Dakkagunz," which are heavy weapons not normally mounted on unstable bikes due to the inaccuracy that results. All Warbikes are unusually well-treated by their Ork owners, both due to their tactical power, and because of the sheer enjoyment Orks receive from their speed. In the Ork mind, the only activity exceeding the thrill of riding their mechanical steed at the enemy, side-mounted Deffgunz blazing away, is diving at the troops below in a Fighta-Bommer, unleashing its crude explosives in a hail of destruction and mayhem. During the Imperial Raid on Kastorel-Novem, Ork Warbikes were a common sight. The Evil Sunz warband of Zhadsnark da Rippa included hundreds of them. They had just arrived on the planet and were in the process of building more Warbikes, Warbuggies and Wartrukks before heading to the front line on Forsarr. Zhadsnark's Boyz fought high-speed running battles with the Tauros-mounted Elysian Drop Troops and the Land Speeders of the Raven Guard Space Marines who carried out the raid.