| - New Main Class Talents
* Spear
* Tactical Strike - Critical hits deal additional damage.
* Lightning Counter - Chance to Counterattack when hit with a magic spell, and increases lightning resistance.
* Powerhouse - Increases Strength
* Axe
* Icy Blows - Physical attacks deal additional damage, and increases ice resistance
* Warrior's Rage - Increases the minimum health needed to trigger Warrior's Rage. When Activated, Warrior's Rage recovers health per turn.
* Guard Break - Physical attacks gain a chance to make your target drop their Guard stance and remove Defense buffs.
* Bow
* Lethal Concentration - Increases attack power buffs you receive.
* Battlefield Evasion - Gain a chance to evade ranged attacks.
* Freezing Arrows - Physical attacks gain a chance to fire freezing arrows, reducing the target's Defense and Magic Defense.
* Gun
* Hollow Point - On Critical hits, the target's defense will be ignored, and additional damage will be dealt.
* Level Headed - Decreases damage taken every time your combo hit count increases.
* Repeat Fire - Increases critical chance for each combo count on the enemy target.
* Cannon
* Center of the Blast - Basic attacks deal extra damage to the primary target.
* Guided Shots - Effects that weaken your Accuracy, Multi-Hit Rate, or Critical are reduced.
* Smoketrail Shells - Basic attacks deal additional damage against buildings, and grants a chance to cast Smoke Bomb when making a basic attack, decreasing the target's accuracy.
* Instrument
* Soulful Tune - Basic attacks absorb MP equal to your Max MP. When there is no MP left to absorb, deals equivalent damage to the target's health instead.
* Stage Presence - Grants a chance to resist Seal and Silence magic.
* Hit Single - Increases Ravaging Melody's damage and restores your health by a percentage of the damage dealt by Ravaging Melody
* Power Saw
* Blades of Slaughter - Increases Chainsaw Blade's damage. When Chainsaw Blade kills an enemy, get an additional chance to take another action.
* Made of Iron - Grants a chance that your combo count will not increase when attacked.
* Overkill - Boosts Multi-Hit Rate for each Combo Count your target has.
* Sword / Blade Master
* Chaos Soul - Increases Chaos Edge and Static Shield's damage, also increases flame resistance.
* Phalanx - Allies who take damage from basic attacks that also hit you loose less HP.
* Alert Guard - Gives a chance to defend against ranged attacks, reducing damage taken.
* Staff / Battle Mage
* Scholarly Adventurer - Increases Intelligence.
* Tip the Scales - Decreases hostile magic effects and increases beneficial magic effects.
* Spell Reflex - The chance of passive magic triggering when attacking or being attacked is increased, and its effects are increased.