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* The Russians (Novgorodians) have discovered the St Lawrence River and named it Rusalka...also, the Russians have a trade post at OTL Quebec named Kvebek near the Iroquois village Stadakone.
* Venice thanks the Imperial High Court for their decision and officially annexes Florence uniting the two republics. Piombino, unfortunately is given to the Italian League where it will likely be annexed by Naples or Genoa. The Venetian Cathedral nears 25% completion with the main hall finished. Mass is called everyday to pray for the souls of the heathens and heretics that have adopted the Protestant blasphemy. The Bishop of Venice wonders why the Pope has not called for a clensing of the Heretic regions and is allowing these blasphemous whispers to spread. He welcomes the Scandinavian initiative and asks the Pope to attempt to counter the heretics. The Venetian army is expanded as is Nuovo Treviso by 500 sq km and Nuovo Venexia by 500 sq km.
* Bavaria expands industry, Bavarian forces are called back from the border to help quell the Kappelian insurrection. Royal Decree 1516 declares "Any Persons, with a Kappelian Pamphlet, whether given, found or printed, will be subject to an immediate disbarment from their place of occupation. Homes and goods will be confiscated. Furthermore, if anyone of these owns a printing press, The Knights Templar have been given the authority by Emperor and King to seize ALL printing presses not ran by the State or State friendly institution" The King signs the decree into law and immediately, seizures begin all across Bavaria. Troops are ordered to Kappel's home in attempt to arrest him as a heretic, but he escapes to Karolin under cover of night and alias. Bavarian nobles grow furious at the decree, warning of their eroding liberties, plus many secretly ascribe to Kappelian doctrine. They begin to plan an assassination of the King, and to install a Kappelian sympathizer on the throne. King Adame weds Alinia Sforia of South Bavaria and has announced an heir, Prince Heinrich Kribt, who turns two months old. Kappelian nobles like Richard Sextus travels to Milan and Genoa in the cover of the night to try to get more favor behind Kappel's words. Many of the populous secretly sees Kappelianism, not as a heresy, but as a purification of the Church, though due to the decree, it remains small.
* Thuringia recalls troops, The Elector refuses to follow the King's words, "saying that Kappelianism may be a different branch of Christianity, one that I do not believe, they are harmless, and many are quite nice people." Thuringia seizes printing presses to keep them out of Templar hands and allows the secret printing in code of Kappel's pamphlets.
* The Imperial Government calls for the Pope to investigate this heresy called Kappelianism and expresses his grief that such herecy would occur in his home. The Emperor travels to London to talk with leaders of the region and to discuss the best way to eleminate the Kappelian threat from the north. Emperor Wilhelm sends diplomats to Venice and the Papacy to conduct similar talks. The IRC creates an improvement on the wheel lock, allowing for a slightly faster reload rate.
* Saxony: Elector Frederick III, disappointed that his planned invasion of Bohemia is apparently illegal, withdraws is army from the border with Bohemia. The plans, however, are not destroyed, merely put on a shelf in the Kurfurstliche Archiv. The Elector and his advisors begin planning a way to covertly place Bohemia under Saxon control. However, they are currently only half-formed conjecture. A few people in Saxony fall prey to the Kappelian Heresy. The Elector decides not to be too harsh on them, but does decree that people owning Kappelian pamphlets will be fined. The Elector, hoping to inspire Cathollic feelings in the populace, arranges to purchase some Holy relics, including certified parts of the True Cross, twigs from Moses' burning bush, and parts of Jesus' crib. He also rewards clergymen who have not been found guilty of excess or corruption, and publicly decries the individual clergymen who have been found guilty of soiling the name of the One Holy, Catholic and Apostolic Church. The Elector thanks Bavaria for their kindness in nominating us for the IMG, and money is poured into the offices opened in Saxony.
* Anhalt: The new Prince, Frederick, is as disappointed as his cousin that there will be no invasion of Bohemia, and reluctantly marches his army back to Dessau. Before he leaves Saxony, he renews the oaths of allegiance and vassalage which his father made to the Saxon crown. He also sends a herald to Karolin to pledge allegiance to the Emperor. The Prince decides to invest in outfitting his army with morion helmets similar to those of his cousin's army. The Prince's eldest daughter, Alberta, now too old to marry, takes Holy orders and becomes a nun.
* The military is increased in size and a string of forts is built in Rajputana's new territory. Several people in that region convert to Hinduism. The followers of the Guru grow in number although the Great Guru Nanak has aged considerably. A group of wealthy non-Muslim Punjabis begin to plot against their King. These dissidents are secretly backed by the Rajput council.
* The Novgorodian Veche accepts joining the Anti-Piracy League's board, as it is worried about Bogatyrs being attacked as new exploration is being done in Antillia and Atlantiar. The Novgorodians volunteer their newest Bogatyr ship, the RFBSFS Svyatogor, completed just this year, to be the Novgorodian addition to the APL navy (although it will be called to fight wars if Novgorod needs it). The Novgorodian armies continue to amass in the Kazan region. There is much talk of having a representative system in Novgorod, much like the one set up (but not yet used for) for the Zemsky Sobor of the Russian federation. If Novgorod were to get any bigger, as the direct democracy processes of Novgorod will become very elongated and not be efficient if the nation were to enlarge itself even further. The Novgorodian Navy is given an official Headquarters at Novgorod, although this is temporary, as the Veche approved of plans to eventualy build a city where the Neva meets the Finnish Gulf to be the naval headquarters. The Novgorodian military ranking system is overhauled to add ranks and so does the naval ranking system, making Admiral the Highest rank and Junior Admiral under that, then captain, then commander. With the military the ranks of captain, praporshik and sergeant are added. The Spetsnaz develops the world's first succesful gravity knife.
* Burgundy: continues the vassalization of Cleves, and expansion of the colonies in Atlantis. While the trading with the Mayans Continues, the first ships and explorer met with the Aztec Empire, and Seek to increase contact with them and begin learning the Aztec Language as well as increasing trading with the other American civilizations with a stronger presence in the Continent of Antilia and Atlantis. As well as expanding the colonies about 200 sq km both In Brasilea (the name of the Brazilian colony) and in New Antwerp. While this, in Europe the stepson of the Duchess continues seeking out for a woman to marry. The now old and sick Duchess Mary of Burgundy sends a messenger to Byzantium to ask for an alliance, while the Orthodox in Africa expand 50 sq km in the northern African outpost. The priests sent to the Aztec - both Christian Catholic and Orthodox Catholic - see how there are brutal kills to offer to their Gods in Tenochtitlan, and warn the Pope and other religious people about it.
* Milan: The Insubric language starts to replace Italian in the rural areas, absorbing the Italian but remaining different. Ludovico decrees that any person owning or reproducing Kappelian pamphlets will be fined. The Italian Swiss canton (Ticcino) and Grisons continue falling under Milanese influence, so the words of Kappel and Gallura are easily transmited to Swisstzerland. Matteo Ruggiero as a novice start to study the "heretic" words of Francesco Gallura in Asti.
* The Genoan the economy slowly goes down, because even when the incomes are great the spends of the Catholic hierarchy and the upper class are bigger. The delegation ask again to Kongo for trade and friendship. The outpost near Kongo grows three more pixels thanks to the trade with nearing tribes. A French theologician exiled by the civil war named Jean de Vaux joins the Kappelian supporters and teachs the predestination and that the Genoan democracy and the Church must be reformed. He criticized the existence and treatment of relics and teaches that all glory is to be due to God alone, no humans beings (Saints nor church members) are worthy of glory.
* Asti and Montferrat: William IX faces a strong opposition from the middle class as he tries to stop the words of Francesco Gallura, but his persecution of the Galluranism succesfully made the close followers of Francesco to escape to Genoa, Corsica and even Southern France. Forces of Swiss mercenaries in the State are distrusted by William as he sees them too friendly with the Gallura teachings.
* Papal States: The Pope learns of a pamphlet discovered in the German states that condemns the Catholic faith, and is pleased that actions have been taken against the heresy. The Pope allows nations threatened by the heresy to make necessary measures, including prayer and cleansing. Priests are slowly sent through France and nations threatened by the Kappelian Pamphlet, who teach that the Kappelian's heresy will turn the people away from the One True Faith, Christ and the Pope, who is the closest man to God. Meanwhile, the Church continues the peaceful conversion efforts in Morocco, and is grateful for the help from the Scandinavians and Italians. Ship building technology is improved, and sailors hope the ships can circumvent Western Europe to reach Scandinavia and Northern Germany in order to improve trade and relations.
* The Caliphate Province of Oman amps up its economy. Following the African expedition, Omani merchants begin limited trading with the coastal states of Western Africa such as Kongo and Benin.
* The Caliphate Province of Nejd expands inland by 13,000 sq km. The military is amped up as more battles are being fought to speed up expansion.
* The Caliphate Province of Shaybah builds up its economy as more trading pacts are formed with East African city states.
* The Caliphate Province of Balochistan builds up its infrastructure to connect the new territory to the rest of the Caliphate.
* The Caliphate Province of Afghanistan builds up its infrastructure to connect the new territory to the rest of the Caliphate.
* The Caliphate Province of Gujarat builds up its infrastructure, most of this work is focused on the new territories and connecting it to the rest of Gujarat's infrastructure.
* The Caliphate Province of Koli builds up its economy as Koli merchants trade more with East African states.
* The Caliphate Province of Deccan is expanding its economy by trading more with neighbouring Indian states.
* The Caliphate Province of Cilicia economy expands as the two previously separate regions of Cilicia are now amply joined together.
* The Caliphate Province of Karaman builds up its military.
* The Caliphate Province of West Qoyunlu defeats Ak Qoyunlu. The war is over.
* The Caliphate Province of Iraq builds up their economy as more merchants take up residence in Iraq's coastal trading cities like Basrah.
* The Caliphate Province of Georgia builds up its economy.
* The Caliphate Province of Circassia builds up its economy.
* The Caliphate Province of East Qoyunlu builds up its economy as the newly conquered territory is developed.
* The Caliphate Province of Al-Slaveit builds up its military.
* The Caliphate Province of Crimea's military is built up.
* The Caliphate Province of Persia builds up its infrastructure in the province's new territories as part of the efforts to integrate the new territory.
* Trebizond defeats Ak Qoyunlu and begins the process of rebuilding the infrastructure in the annexed territory. Trebizond also begins the process of becoming a full-fledged province of the Caliphate.
* Caliph Muhammad ibn Marwan is glad the war against Ak Qoyunlu is over, and he personally meets with Trebizond's leaders as they co-operate in the process of making Trebizond a province of the Caliphate proper.