| - When Ryu's father was killed practicing one half of a paired school of martial arts that Genma invented, Ryu spent the rest of his life training himself to master the Yamasenken in hopes of tracking Genma down, taking the Umisenken and then building a new dojo to the memory of his father. When Nodoka mistook him for her long-lost son, he tried to take advantage of that to get what he wanted. But losing to Ranma revealed to him the ugly truth behind the 'Senken Schools' and so he left Nerima, a sadder but wiser man.
* Arrogant Kung Fu Guy
* Blackmail
* Character Development
* Chronic Hero Syndrome: If it is a Damsel in Distress at least, even older ones that he isn't attracted to. At the very least heavily into Giri in some respects.
* Combat Pragmatist or Trying to Catch Me Fighting Dirty: His fighting style is largely based on distracting opponents and then attacking full force. One "attack" simply consists of tying up the enemy in a lasso just to make them vulnerable to a real attack.
* Dangerous Forbidden Technique: The Yamasenken
* Even Evil Has Standards: He draws the line at torture; his word is his bond; he is very dedicated; will rescue bystanders from monsters, wild animals, and similar things he happens upon that he can actually do something about; and he isn't a particularly bad person in general. A bit chauvinistic, and tends to be very ruthless in battle though. However, he apparently refrained from using his strongest/killing moves against Ranma after getting to know Nodoka.
* The Fettered or Honor Before Reason: To his vows. First to find the other half of the school, and then not use his art for destruction again.
* Friendly Enemy: At the end of his story.
* Heel Face Turn: Sort of, after Nodoka played mother for him, and the revelation that his style was created for violent burglary.
* Jerk with a Heart of Gold
* Made of Iron -> Nigh Invulnerable: At least in Ranma's class.
* Make Me Wanna Shout: The Yamasenken school usually opens with a loud yell of "Don't move!" It's not the words that freeze the opponent, but the sheer VOLUME that catches anyone, even rampaging grizzlies, off guard.
* Now What?: He has dedicated his entire life to finding the counterpart school of the Yamasenken in order to rebuild the Kumon Dojo. Not only did he lose the chance, he has to seal away his school, the school he uses exclusively and likely the only school he knows by this point. What is he supposed to do now?
* Person of Mass Destruction
* Pet the Dog: Nodoka
* Rated "M" for Manly: Militaristic in attitude and combat style, and probably the most "man's man" male in the series (with the possible exception of Lime).
* Sacrificed Basic Skill for Awesome Training: Apparently quite isolated.
* Shout-Out: To Guile, but not overly so.
* Super Speed
* Super Strength: At least as strong as Ranma.
* Walking the Earth
* You ALL Share My Story