| - Phat (William Reilly) was a mutant who joined the Brotherhood of Mutants. He possessed the ability to expand his body, making him larger and fatter.
- Phat (William Reilly) war eine Mutante, die der Bruderschaft der Mutanten beigetreten war. Er besaß die Fähigkeit, seinen Körper zu erweitern und ihn größer und dicker zu machen. <default>Phat</default> BildWiki.png Alias Status Gruppe Familie Nationalität Auftritte Dargestellt von Sprecher
- Phat grew up poor and involved in the gangster life. At first his powers manifested as simple weight gain, which he put down to the stress of his life. Once it became clear he was a mutant, he trained well and used his abilities to fight crime, even before joining the new X-Force. Once rich, he tried to give his family what he never had growing up. He gave them a house, but they still lived in the RV, they liked the closeness. Phat's powers seemed to be less effective in moments of stress. During a mission in space he found it hard to recover from a biological spike that had wounded him.