| - File:Thrushpelt_(WC).star.png, File:Thrushpelt_(WC).mc.png Ok, please don't shoot me but shouldn't she have flecks of dark brown fur? Or are they there and I'm blind? Rainbowmistake (talk) 13:14, May 5, 2017 (UTC)Chat Image:Vote-yay.png if they are there, i dont see any. Image:Vote-nay.png thats what the spots ARE. :/ 》 Image:Vote-nay.png For real? The flecks are there. Those spots are the flecks, and they are perfectly visible. 18:07, 5/05/2017 Image:Vote-nay.png If you look at them closely you can definitely tell they're dark brown. 20:36, May 5, 2017 (UTC) Image:Vote-nay.png Image:Vote-nay.png 20:56, May 5, 2017 (UTC) Image:Vote-nay.png um 20:58, 5/05/2017