| - Kogane attended the Fuji Space School in Tokyo along with Suzuishi Hiroshi, Kurogane Isamu, Shirogane Takashi, and Seidou Tsuyoshi. In 1999, he and the others returned to Earth after a deep space voyage, only to find Tokyo in ruins after a great nuclear war. Captured as slaves by the Galra Empire when their ship was abducted, the pilots were forced to fight in an off-screen battle between a Deathblack Beastman. According to Suzuishi, although "The Deathblack Beastman's attacks were Insane" they survived, though Seidou and Kurogane gained multiple scars in the process and their arms were branded afterwards.
| - Kogane attended the Fuji Space School in Tokyo along with Suzuishi Hiroshi, Kurogane Isamu, Shirogane Takashi, and Seidou Tsuyoshi. In 1999, he and the others returned to Earth after a deep space voyage, only to find Tokyo in ruins after a great nuclear war. Captured as slaves by the Galra Empire when their ship was abducted, the pilots were forced to fight in an off-screen battle between a Deathblack Beastman. According to Suzuishi, although "The Deathblack Beastman's attacks were Insane" they survived, though Seidou and Kurogane gained multiple scars in the process and their arms were branded afterwards. Eventually, Shirogane suggests that they break out of captivity and stealing a ship after a conversation that resulted from Hiroshi's observation that the vultures were bringing back bones left over from the Beastman's meal of Slave Stew. Akira formulates a plan of escape, and the space pilots succeed, and escape to the planet Altea in a commandeered slave ship. Escape from Slave Castle. He and the others became the pilots of Golion, with him piloting Black Lion and taking position as leader. One of the saddest events he experienced was an unauthorized mission to check back on Earth,. Barely escaping a trap set by Galran forces, Kogane witnesses Earth exploding. Goodbye, Earth He participated in the final battle against Galra, and his final appearance in the series is of him relaxing in a meadow along with the other earthlings and Princess Fala. Kogane, nicknamed "Chief" by his comrades was the captain and commanding officer of the five Earth space pilots that eventually became the pilots of the legendary giant robot Golion and the heroes of Altea. He has a calm yet commanding personality and while he is patient and respectful, he does not like to have his orders questioned by his subordinates. To spite the fact that Kogane had lived as a slave of the Galra Empire for an undisclosed time, he seems unaffected by his time spent in servitude and (aside from a brand on his forearm) bears no scars from the ordeal, either physical or emotional. This might have been an attempt by the writers to show just how strong a leader and warrior he is, but is far more likely just a severe lack of character development. Like the other male Golion pilots, he is attracted to Fala, however unlike in the American version of the show, there is no romance between him and Princess Fala. Instead, Kogane views her occasionally as a younger sister and at other times as just another member of his team. This also makes the rivalry between him and Sincline seem absurd seeing as how neither has any more reason to hate the other than the rest of the members of their respective factions. Whether the writers intended to develop a relationship between Kogane and Fala but for whatever reason didn't remains unknown.