| - Doctor Charlie Murdoch was a Cerberus and Orthrus scientist, and Chief Research of the PSI Program during the Great Galactic Revival. He is an important character in Mass Effect: Chronicles of a Silent Galaxy. Murdoch was born in 2206 CE, on Terra Nova, he was an intellectual, pursuing a master's degree in biotic studies. After rising tensions between the Terra Firma Party and the Systems Alliance, he joined the former, just as the Terra Nova Revolts began. After the Party's reformation into the Exodus Dominion, Murdoch became a key researcher in Dominion's Military Research Division. His time working for the Dominion caused Cerberus to take notice of the doctor, eventually recruiting him through Orthrus. He went on to establish the PSI Program, abducting human biotic children from across the galaxy to create super-soldiers. The program was a partial success, but shut down after a biotic trainer went rouge and escaped with several of the children. Murdoch continued his super-soldier researcher, creating the Revenant Program.