Mirkwood is the vast forest of . The Woodland Realm of Mirkwood is an Elvendom located in Northern Mirkwood, while evil dwells in the fortress of Dol Guldur in Southern Mirkwood. In future, the folk Woodmen will live in Western Mirkwood. Upon entering Mirkwood, you will gain the Achievement "Stay on the Path".
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- Mirkwood
- Mirkwood
| - Mirkwood is the vast forest of . The Woodland Realm of Mirkwood is an Elvendom located in Northern Mirkwood, while evil dwells in the fortress of Dol Guldur in Southern Mirkwood. In future, the folk Woodmen will live in Western Mirkwood. Upon entering Mirkwood, you will gain the Achievement "Stay on the Path".
- div id="Fantasy_Nation_Infobox" class="infobox" style="float:right; background:#fff; border-collapse:collapse; border:1px solid #999; font-size:11px; line-height:1.2; width:300px"> [Source]
- THE LAND OF THE HIGH ELVES. Upcoming area for the digital expansion, Siege of Mirkwood (SoM)
- Mirkwood is the largest forest in Middle-earth during the Third Age, located east of the River Anduin and north of Gondor and Rohan. The name is probably one of Tolkien's translations from Westron. The Sindarin name is Taur e-Ndaedelos, "Forest of Great Fear." Previous to the building of the evil tower of Dol Guldur it was Greenwood the Great, and after Sauron's defeat, the forest was renamed Eryn Lasgalen, "Wood of Green Leaves."
- Mirkwood was a great forest in Middle-earth located in the eastern region of Rhovanion between the Grey Mountains and Gondor. It was also known as Greenwood the Great, Eryn Galen or Taur-e-Ndaedelos, and was later re-named Eryn Lasgalen, the Wood of Greenleaves.
- This ancient forest can be found east of the Misty Mountains and south of the Grey Mountains. Light is difficult to enter because of the environment's landscape, which makes it a very dark and dangerous place. The Woodland Realm of the Elves and Legolas live here. Another prominent citizen of these lands is Radagast the Brown. However, most people believe that Radagast is constantly on the move. He tends to prefer the farthest edges of the forest which are freer from the dark forces attacking the lands.
- Two independent realms co-exist beneath the eaves of Mirkwood 's trees. The Silvan Elves of King Thranduil wander the northernmost reaches of the forest (the Woodland Realm), while the rustic Woodmen occupy the regions bordering the Men-i-Naugrim. The southernmost portion of Mirkwood was ruled by the Necromancer of Dol Guldur.
- Mirkwood started in 1995 and is still going strong. Famous for its social atmosphere, its inspired areas, and its professional coding, Mirkwood is a dynamic and active MUD undergoing almost daily code modifications. Recently, the coders implemented an original remorting system and added six new classes. However, Mirkwood's player and immortals are far too eclectic to stick to one theme. You can explore the battle-scarred moon Daktor, the red-neck Trailer Park, Mos Eisley, the magic-loathing city of Pelios, the vast and deadly Ocean.
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| - Great forest in Rhovanion
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| - Woodland Realm [Uncommon]
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| - Dol Guldur [Enclosed], Vales of Anduin [W], Northern Mirkwood [N], Woodland Realm [N], Long Marshes [NE], Wilderland [E], East Bight [E]
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| - Elves-mostly Sindarized Nandor
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| - Taur-nu-Fuin, Greenwood the Great , Wood of the Greenleaves
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| - Mirkwood Mountains, Mirkwood River
| - Amon Lanc, later Thranduils palace
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| - Mirkwood is the vast forest of . The Woodland Realm of Mirkwood is an Elvendom located in Northern Mirkwood, while evil dwells in the fortress of Dol Guldur in Southern Mirkwood. In future, the folk Woodmen will live in Western Mirkwood. Upon entering Mirkwood, you will gain the Achievement "Stay on the Path".
- div id="Fantasy_Nation_Infobox" class="infobox" style="float:right; background:#fff; border-collapse:collapse; border:1px solid #999; font-size:11px; line-height:1.2; width:300px"> [Source]
- THE LAND OF THE HIGH ELVES. Upcoming area for the digital expansion, Siege of Mirkwood (SoM)
- Mirkwood is the largest forest in Middle-earth during the Third Age, located east of the River Anduin and north of Gondor and Rohan. The name is probably one of Tolkien's translations from Westron. The Sindarin name is Taur e-Ndaedelos, "Forest of Great Fear." Previous to the building of the evil tower of Dol Guldur it was Greenwood the Great, and after Sauron's defeat, the forest was renamed Eryn Lasgalen, "Wood of Green Leaves."
- This ancient forest can be found east of the Misty Mountains and south of the Grey Mountains. Light is difficult to enter because of the environment's landscape, which makes it a very dark and dangerous place. The Woodland Realm of the Elves and Legolas live here. Another prominent citizen of these lands is Radagast the Brown. However, most people believe that Radagast is constantly on the move. He tends to prefer the farthest edges of the forest which are freer from the dark forces attacking the lands. The darkness acts as a shield for people and forces looking to engaged in dark activities. Orcs, spiders, and many other creatures frequent these lands.
- Two independent realms co-exist beneath the eaves of Mirkwood 's trees. The Silvan Elves of King Thranduil wander the northernmost reaches of the forest (the Woodland Realm), while the rustic Woodmen occupy the regions bordering the Men-i-Naugrim. The southernmost portion of Mirkwood was ruled by the Necromancer of Dol Guldur.
* Type: Mixed Forest
* Area: 77,400 square miles
* Elevation: Average - 1,012 feet. Lowest point: Tauraelin (S. "Forest Marshes") 617 feet. Highest point: Amon Lanc (S. "The Naked Hill" ) 5,266 feet.
* Climate: Average Annual Precipitation: 20-40 inches. Mean Annual Temperature: 45-55°F. Average Low - Ninui: 10°F average high. Urui: 90 °F
* Composition: The rocks which lie underneath the great forest of Mirkwood are primarily sedimentary strata of limestone and shale. There is some evidence of volcanic activity sometime in the past, notably the cinder cone of Amon Lanc and the Mountains of Mirkwood, which are a huge projection of granite through the surrounding sedimentary layers. The Mirkwood Elves have mined some gems from these mountains in the past. If any significant finds yet exist remains to be seen.
* Notes: Mirkwood is a great forest of oaks, maples, elms, conifers, and a countless variety of undergrowth. Though Mirkwood is a part of Rhovanion, it is so imposing a feature on the map that it merits special mention. Mirkwood holds a number of communities, from the Orcish servants of the Necromancer, to the reclusive Woodmen, to the graceful Silvan Elves. Since around the year T.A. 1000, a Shadow fell in the southern reaches of Mirkwood. There, the trees grew twisted and evil, allowing little light through their gnarled boughs. Trolls, fell beasts, and giant spiders made their homes in this part of the forest, and Men gave the region a wide berth. The forest is less dark to the north, but a heavy aura of gloom nevertheless permeates the air among the trees. Only three paths cross through the forest, and travellers who stray off them may never be seen again. Travellers in Mirkwood should go well armed and in a large group.
- Mirkwood was a great forest in Middle-earth located in the eastern region of Rhovanion between the Grey Mountains and Gondor. It was also known as Greenwood the Great, Eryn Galen or Taur-e-Ndaedelos, and was later re-named Eryn Lasgalen, the Wood of Greenleaves.
- Mirkwood started in 1995 and is still going strong. Famous for its social atmosphere, its inspired areas, and its professional coding, Mirkwood is a dynamic and active MUD undergoing almost daily code modifications. Recently, the coders implemented an original remorting system and added six new classes. The world features two continents with a very extensive road system. Mirkwood's original and extremely powerful object, room, and mob scripts aid builders in creating immersive areas, many of which are based on the writings of Tolkien, including Lonely Mountain, Helm's Deep, Bree, Fangorn Forest, and Mordor. However, Mirkwood's player and immortals are far too eclectic to stick to one theme. You can explore the battle-scarred moon Daktor, the red-neck Trailer Park, Mos Eisley, the magic-loathing city of Pelios, the vast and deadly Ocean. This massive MUD includes 100+ areas, 10,000+ rooms (most are original), 3,000+ monsters, and 300+ shopkeepers. Mirkwood's custom-designed stand alone area builder (Mac/Win) supports the continuous development of new areas. Any players can submit an area for implementation. If you love the community of your fellows, join one of Mirkwood's eight tribes, which have huge castles and keeps; their own channels; custom time and weather messages; internal security; shops for armor, weapons, food, and tokens; recall rooms; healers, trainers, and guild masters; and access to a tribal arena. Mirkwood is an old mud with a long history of rivalries, ongoing roleplay stories, and frequent immortal and mortal sponsored quests. Come join us and start your own life as a Mirkwoodian!