| - Ghidorahs (ギドラ, Gidora) are a species of giant three-headed space dragons. The only three known Ghidorahs are King Ghidorah, Desghidorah, and Keizer Ghidorah.
- Ghidorah is a giant dragon with three heads. Why does he need three heads, you ask? Because this way he can get three bags of popcorn at the carnival from three different vendors at the same time! And while his mom is talking to him, he can keep one or two heads focused on her while the other head is raiding the cookie jar. He is also the local school bully, and has bullied such students as Godzilla, Gamera, Rodan and Napoleon Dynamite. It has often required the team-up of these four-or-five to defeat him. Once, Godzilla was able to beat the crap out of him singlehandedly, kicking and pushing him around the ruins of Tokyo and Osaka, kicked him in the nuts, and then tossed him hundreds of miles into the air. Up there, Ghidorah's own temper caused him to explode.