| - Consisting of a massive blue disc with a conical apparatus beneath it, on top of the massive device was an elevated red dome containing what resembled a regular die, surrounded by six smaller domes in a hexagon. When activated, the central node and a number of the others around it would begin to glow and blink a pale orange, and it seems that anything which tampered with its calibration caused loud beeps and whirrs. According to Vriska, the Catenative Doomsday Dice Cascader worked by first pressing the top node. This would cause it to randomly activate anywhere from a single one of to all of the encircling nodes, which would then count up to randomized numbers. They would then multiply their own amounts by the next number in the nodes' sequence, before adding them all up as a sort of "damage total" to the enemy. When Alternia was struck by a rain of asteroids, Equius Zahhak's lusus Aurthour fell to his death onto the Dice Cascader, causing it to activate. It fizzled out. However, when its chains came undone, it swung into the mesa once supporting Equius's hive, and would proceed to explode with a rain of boulders that Vriska's lusus shielded her from. This led Vriska to use her Fluorite Octet for a mercy kill.