| - When a superior slayer monster spawns, a message will appear in the chatbox, stating "A superior foe has appeared..." Killing a superior slayer monster will reward players with a generous amount of Slayer experience – for most, but not all of them, this is about 10 times the hitpoints of the superior monster. This experience will even be granted if the superior monster is slain after the completion of the corresponding slayer task. They will also give three rolls on their lesser counterpart's drop table. Once a superior slayer monster has spawned it is only attackable by the spawning player. A superior monster will despawn from the world if ignored for 2 minutes. Should the player die while fighting it, the monster will despawn soon after. In addition, once one has appeared, another one will not spawn for that player until it is killed or despawns. In single combat areas, a superior slayer monster can be attacked even if you are under attack by another monster; when this happens, the standard monster will stop attacking you. In multicombat areas, it is possible for multiple superior slayer monsters to appear simultaneously if multiple monsters are killed at the same time.