| - In 2376, Alon Ghemor was elected as Castellan. (DS9 novel: The Never-Ending Sacrifice) Ghemor was assassinated in 2379, when it appeared to some that he was becoming too close to the Federation in his efforts to stabilize Cardassia Prime. (DS9 - Prophecy and Change short story: "The Calling", ST novel: A Singular Destiny) Ghemor was succeeded by several short-lived administrations, before Rakena Garan was elected Castellan. Ghemor along with Legate Corat Damar would be remembered as the best leaders of the Union. (ST - The Fall novel: The Crimson Shadow)
- The Castellan of the Cardassian is the elected head of government for the Cardassian Union in the time following the Dominion War. (DS9 novel: Cardassia: The Lotus Flower) This position first existed under the auspices of the First Hebitians, and was a democratically-elected position. The last Castellan was deposed in the late 19th century (Earth reckoning) in a coup led by revolutionary Tret Akleen, after which the rule of Central Command and soon the Obsidian Order was instated. Civilian interests were represented in name only by the Detapa Council. (Star Trek: Sigils and Unions--"Point of Divergence")
| - The Castellan of the Cardassian is the elected head of government for the Cardassian Union in the time following the Dominion War. (DS9 novel: Cardassia: The Lotus Flower) This position first existed under the auspices of the First Hebitians, and was a democratically-elected position. The last Castellan was deposed in the late 19th century (Earth reckoning) in a coup led by revolutionary Tret Akleen, after which the rule of Central Command and soon the Obsidian Order was instated. Civilian interests were represented in name only by the Detapa Council. (Star Trek: Sigils and Unions--"Point of Divergence") In 2376, Alon Ghemor was elected as Castellan, re-establishing the office for the first time in five centuries. (DS9 novels: A Stitch in Time, The Never Ending Sacrifice; Star Trek: War Aftermath Episode 1: The True Way; Star Trek: Sigils and Unions--"A Weaver of Lives")
- In 2376, Alon Ghemor was elected as Castellan. (DS9 novel: The Never-Ending Sacrifice) Ghemor was assassinated in 2379, when it appeared to some that he was becoming too close to the Federation in his efforts to stabilize Cardassia Prime. (DS9 - Prophecy and Change short story: "The Calling", ST novel: A Singular Destiny) Ghemor was succeeded by several short-lived administrations, before Rakena Garan was elected Castellan. Ghemor along with Legate Corat Damar would be remembered as the best leaders of the Union. (ST - The Fall novel: The Crimson Shadow) In 2381, the Castellan was Rakena Garan. During the Borg invasion, Nanietta Bacco negotiated with Ambassador Elim Garak in an attempt to persuade the Castellan to send Gul Erem's fleet to the Azure Nebula. The Castellan was known to have little interest in foreign affairs if they had no positive effect on Cardassia. (ST - Destiny novel: Mere Mortals) Several weeks later, an individual, unhappy at the loss of the Cardassian fleet at the Azure Nebula, attempted to assassinate the Castellan. (TNG novel: Losing the Peace) In August 2382, Federation President Nanietta Bacco met with Castellan Garan in an attempt to finally persuade Garan to take the Cardassian Union into the Khitomer Accords. (ST - Typhon Pact novel: Plagues of Night) In 2385, the Cardassian Ambassador to the United Federation of Planets, Elim Garak, succeeded Garan as the Castellan. (ST - The Fall novel: The Crimson Shadow) By the early 25th century, former dissident and university professor Natima Lang served as Castellan from sometime before 2409 until years after the Long War. At some point after the Long War, Krota, a member of the Castellan's security detail, turned out to be an Undine agent. (STO novel: The Needs of the Many)