| - Jedi Master was een titel in de Jedi Order. Jedi Masters waren de hoogste rang die een Jedi kon verkrijgen.
- Ο Jedi μάστορας αποτελεί την ανώτατη κλίμακα στην ιεραρχία του σώματος ειδικών δυνάμεων (Κομμάντα) των Ελ, με το όνομα Jedi. Το σώμα αυτό αποτελεί μια πανάρχαια μυστικιστική φατριά, η οποία φημολογείται πως προέκυψε από τη συνένωση (πήδημα) μεταξύ Ελ και μεταλλαγμένων πυγολαμπίδων. Οι πρώτοι Jedi ξήλωσαν τις φωτίζουσες αποφύσεις στον πισινό τους και δημιούργησαν το απόλυτο όπλο, το Κλανόσπαθο. Οι εκλεκτότεροι των Jedi, οι έχοντες τα φωτεινότερα και βρωμερότερα κλανόσπαθα γινόντουσαν και μάστορες. right|frame|Τώρα και κλανόσπαθο τσέπης.
- Jedi Master is the most prestigious rank in the Jedi Order. They are the true protectors of Universe and masters of the Force. This rank is similar to rank of Sith Master. Jedi Masters can train Jedi Knights and also continue to seek sub-classes.
- A Jedi Master was a Jedi recognized as being one of the greatest of all the Jedi, second only to the Grand Master. The twelve greatest masters comprised the Jedi Council. Some of these masters include Yoda, Mace Windu, Plo Koon, Saesee Tiin, Stass Allie, Kit Fisto, Yarael Poof, Prince JAR and Shaak Ti.
- The rank of Jedi Master is one of the highest ranks and the honor of a Jedi Knight's career. By the begining of the first game, most have been murdered by Palpatine and Vader. The two masters featured in the games are Rahm Kota and Shaak-Ti.
- Jedi Masters were Jedi that had attained the rank of achievement in the Jedi Order. They have proven that they have complete mastery of the Force and have trained their own Padawan. Often Jedi Masters were part of the Jedi Council.
- Jedi Masters were individuals of a Jedi order that were considered to have reached the pinnacle of power and wisdom. They are widely regarded as the most influential an powerful of all Jedi.
- Jedi Master was the highest generic rank in the Jedi Order, succeeding Jedi Knighthood. Jedi Masters were usually the best of the best in the Jedi Order, due to their superior knowledge of the Force, lightsaber combat, and their success as the Master of a Jedi Padawan.
- Jedi Master was the highest rank most Jedi could obtain for becoming part of the Jedi Council, the main interface between the Jedi and the government of the New Republic. It is reserved for those who have shown exceptional devotion and skill in the Force. The title of Sith Lord was on par with the rank of a Jedi Master.
- Jedi Master was the second highest rank a Jedi could obtain, and a traditional requirement for becoming part of the Jedi Council, the main interface between the Jedi and the government of the Republic. It was reserved for those who have shown exceptional devotion and skill in the Force. The titles of Sith Lord or Sith Master were on par with Jedi Master.
- Jedi Master is the highest rank most Jedi can obtain. In the days of the Old Republic, it was a requirement for becoming part of the Jedi Council. It is reserved for those who have shown exceptional devotion and skill in the Force. The title of Sith Lord is on par with a Jedi Master. The rank of Jedi Master is appropriated for those who have not only showed exceptional skill in the ways of the Force, but exceptional maturity and level thinking.
- Jedi Master is the highest rank most Jedi can obtain. In the days of the Old Republic, it was a requirement for becoming part of the Jedi Council. It is reserved for those who have shown exceptional devosion and skill in the Force. The title of Sith Lord is on par with a Jedi Master. The rank of Jedi Master is appropriated for those who have not only showed exceptional skill in the ways of the Force, but exceptional maturity and level thinking.