| - in the Wake of a Banquet Held by Divatox to celebrate the end of Power Rangers. which she Bragged about to Every evil doers of Galaxy. unknown to her Three Figure with robe arrived in the banquet. then the scene fade in Black. We later find Rangers Spaceship In The middle of their journey the stops in nearest Megaship whose Recorded in NASADA as the Astro Megaship, They enter the megaship and found the Deck which had something that resembling something they knew. they ecountered by Two mysterious Rangers.At first they ready to battling them, but Carlos Step Foward and showd them his Communicator and his turbo Key. they later unmorphed and ask them that are they Turbo Rangers, they confirmed it. they finally tells them they knew the fact that their Hq are Destroyed, and they flown into space asking for other Ranger help, Andros later Reveals that He and Zorah are went to earth for Take the ruins of power Chamber so The Secret of Power Ranger is safe. initialy Andros and Zorah told them to help them For the mission, in exchange they will help Turbo Rangers to save T.J. ,so the Earth Can have their Rangers Again, as he Revealed that their power can be brought back by repairing the morpher into the Engine of Storm blaster and Star Cruiser, the very same engine they created Turbo Power. however the megaship Attacked by Astronema, and her Armies, Zorah tells them that before they Arrived, They Crashes the Banquet Held by Divatox and Destroy her Submarine so she will never aproach earth again, but Andros revealed that maybe their Act will Lead the Prophecies by Zordon A Year Previously. The Astro Rangers Fight the Alien while Turbo Rangers help them even though they couldn't Morph, Andros then ordered Deca To Give them Astro Morpher, so the Turbo Rangers Morphed into the very similiar suit with the Astro Rangers. they Defeat the Alien but Astronema quipped that Dark Spectre Has Announced a War against All Good Forces in Universe. the Ranger is Readied themself to face it. They Took all the Ruins and by that creating a controller for Deltaship.and with that able to rescue TJ with Justin Joining his Save mission. Thus, Creating a Chance to Reform the turbo Rangers, however Three original Rangers Decline the offer, and thus permanently making them Astro Rangers. with the New Turbo Rangers are Formed the Astro rangers now ready to depart, embarking a long journey to Eltar in a Search for Zordon. After Sometime the rangers finally known Astronema as Andros Sister by Find Her Amulet Which had Andros, Her and another Boy In the Picture, they also found the Sixth Ranger in Cyro genesis he later told them he also with Andros and Zorah invade the party of divatox, but he is gravely injured by Astronema Attack Saving andros, but later Zhan is Well and Ready to Help Rangers For their Mission. Astronema finally can be redeemed which she later Recruited into Astro Violet, and she reveal that there is a Dormant Zord lies in the Zordon secret Base in Planet Jupiter. They Found the Mega Voyagers and a Schematic of Mega WInger and a Carrierzord. in final phase of the War. The Rangers Finally Reached the Eltar. and they found the fact Zordon has been taken to the UAE. And They met with Power and Thunder Rangers and Which they Fend the wars against Dark Spectre in Eltar. They Finally Set The plan to Rescue Zordon, By search every planet where Zordon was previously arrived when he still in the Fight against Darkness. With Astro Rangers is sent to KO-35 which they found That They Formed an Alliance with the local Ressistance. Andros finally Found the Battlizer, and Megawinger and Silver Titanus. thus ending the Reign of Darkonda's army At a point Dark Spectre finally enter the war. all Rangers form Ultrazord and Ready to Battle Him. and finally all red rangers enter the core of Dark specter Which Revealed Zordon in inside Him, with all pseudo monster they beat before. this make zordon Told Them to Destroy his Tube.They first hesistant finally they Kills Zordon who Release His Z Wave thus Make All UAE redeemed or even Destroy all monster. in following Day All Rangers are gathered in Power Chamber.they mourned Zordon which The Eulogy are Spoken by Zordon and he Told Them to Continued what they pursue before The Eltarian Wars Broke that. The Mourner are left speechless then one by one all rangers left the site. the screen later upward and the words uttered by zordon for the Last time are appeared. "May the Power be with You, Always" —Zordon