About: Face-Off. The Dreaded Pirates and The Jolly Pirates meet! Part 1   Sponge Permalink

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Dasher: Hey, how much longer will this take? Renzu: Probably 30 more minutes. The time it takes for the Log Pose to readjust itself to the next island is about 2 hours long here. We should probably make the most of these last few minutes while we can. Drautic: Alright then. Any suggestions? Senshin: Maybe we should find a place to grab a drink? Akira: Sounds good to me. How about you, Austinato? Aeon? Austinato: Whatever. I'll do it. Aeon: Me too. I'm up for a quick drink. Dasher: Can't wait. All this walking is starting to get boring. Senshin: Relax! What could go wrong? Aphro: GOOD! Hanuman: GUYS?

  • Face-Off. The Dreaded Pirates and The Jolly Pirates meet! Part 1
  • Dasher: Hey, how much longer will this take? Renzu: Probably 30 more minutes. The time it takes for the Log Pose to readjust itself to the next island is about 2 hours long here. We should probably make the most of these last few minutes while we can. Drautic: Alright then. Any suggestions? Senshin: Maybe we should find a place to grab a drink? Akira: Sounds good to me. How about you, Austinato? Aeon? Austinato: Whatever. I'll do it. Aeon: Me too. I'm up for a quick drink. Dasher: Can't wait. All this walking is starting to get boring. Senshin: Relax! What could go wrong? Aphro: GOOD! Hanuman: GUYS?
  • Dasher: Hey, how much longer will this take? Renzu: Probably 30 more minutes. The time it takes for the Log Pose to readjust itself to the next island is about 2 hours long here. We should probably make the most of these last few minutes while we can. Drautic: Alright then. Any suggestions? Senshin: Maybe we should find a place to grab a drink? Akira: Sounds good to me. How about you, Austinato? Aeon? Austinato: Whatever. I'll do it. Aeon: Me too. I'm up for a quick drink. Dasher: Can't wait. All this walking is starting to get boring. Drautic: Guys, make sure not to get too drunk. I don't want to have to be the only one who has to drag your drunken asses out onto the ship. Senshin: Relax! What could go wrong? Renzu: Please don't jinx us, Senshin. It's not wise to tempt fate. Wyatt: Seriously, how long does it take for some stupid Log Pose to start working again? I'm getting tired! Aphro: And furthermore, don't you EVER... ARE YOU LISTENING TO ME? Chris[moaning]: Yes... "Always do whatever you want, especially if it's fun." Aphro[nodding]: Good, good. ... THAT'S NOT WHAT I SAID!!! BAAAKAAA!! Chris: WHY ARE YOU SO MAD?! THAT REALLY HURT YOU KNOW! Aphro: GOOD! Wyatt: Did you guys even hear a word I said? Spike: Sorry, but I can't hear you over their shouting, Wyatt. Oi, you two baka! Quit your screaming, it's giving me a headache! Chris and Aphro: But he started it!! Spike: [sighs] ...I don't care who started it, I just want it finished! Glory: Aside from that, i'm afraid that you'll have to wait 30 more minutes, Wyatt. Wyatt[groaning]: You're kidding me! Chris: I just wanted to have a little fun, is that so wrong?! Aphro: But Ms. Glory said no!! So you can't!! Chris: Since when could you tell me what to do?! I'm the Captain! Glory: Could someone please shut them up? Hanuman: Um? Guys? Glory say she no want you to fight anymore... Aphro: I'll do whatever I want! You can't order me around like that!! Hanuman: GUYS? Chris: I said i'm the Captain, damn it! Chris and Aphro[homorously holding onto each other in fear]: AAAHHH!!! Sakura: Quit arguing you two. Glory said no more fighting. Now make up. Hanuman: That good. Me like it better when everyone happy. Spike: If you can consider it happiness. ???: Finally, a place to sit! My poor aching feet... ???: You're feet? My ears are the ones that are hurting! ???[half worried and half excited]: Oh, are you OK?! Do you need me to make them feel better? ???[relieved]: Oh, that would be wonderful! Thank you! ???[angered]: NOT YOU!! BAKA! [punches ??? in the face] ???: I'm good, thanks. ???: You sure? Drautic: Hm? [whispering] Hey guys, did you notice those weirdos sitting next to us? Austinato[whispering]: Yeah. Don't worry about them though, I have my eyes on them. Senshin[whispering]: You think they could be dangerous, Austinato? Austinato: Not sure, but it's better to be safe than sorry. ???: Gah, now i'm bored. [resting his head on the bar, but picks it up a second later] Oh, I know! How about a song?! Yohohohoooo! Yohohohoooo! Yohohohooo! Yohohohoooo! Going to deliver Binks' Sake-! ???: Shut it, you moron! That's a pirate song! You want these people here to think you're a pirate?! ???[moaning]: Fiiiine... How about some impressions then? [changes his appearance to match one of his companions and then imitates him/her] Hmph! I'm Spike, and I don't like to have fun! Hmph! Spike: Stop that! Aeon[whispering]: What's up with those two? One seems violent, and the other's... Well, he acts like a fully grown child! Drautic: I told you they were weirdos. Austinato: Well, blondie over there better think twice if he plans to attack us next. Dasher[whispering]: Is anyone else worried that they brought a lion in with them? Bartender: I'm sorry, you guys, but we don't allow pets in here. That lion will have to stay outside. Chris: What? Lawrence isn't a pet! He's our nakama! It's totally fine to let him stay! Glory: As much as i'd love to agree with you, you shouldn't make such a fuss! Lawrence will be fine outside, won't you boy? Lawrence: [shaking his head "no" and making grunts] Hanuman: Lawrence say, "this is bull! I no pet!" Glory: Damn it, you guys. Why do you all have to be so confrontational? Spike: We're not being confrontational. Though, I regret saying this, but, i'll have to agree with Glory. Rules are rules. Chris[whining]: Spiiike!! Glory[clapping her hands together]: Oh, Spike! I didn't know you truly felt that way about me! Wyatt[surprised]: What are you talking about?! This is about Lawrence, not you! Sakura: Hey, you. If you continue to stare at our lion like that, i'll have to take action. Dasher: What'd you just say?! Sakura: I said that if you continued to stare at our lion, i'd have to take action. Don't do it again. Dasher: Look, lady! If you're gonna threaten me, I suggest you realize who you're dealing with! Dasher[whispering]: I'm a member of The Dreaded Pirates. Remember that if you plan on talking to me like that again. Sakura: I'm sorry, but i've never heard of you. Are you supposed to be famous? Dangerous? Revered? Austinato: You've got quite the mouth on you, you know that? If I didn't try to control my temper, i'd be seriously pissed right now. Chris: Oi, what's going on? Are you harassing my Swordsman? Austinato: YOU'RE Swordsman? So this woman works for you? Chris: Yeah, she's my nakama. So that means if you plan on hurting her, you'll have to fight me too. Drautic: You've got quite the guts to talk to my man, Austinato here. Who are you? Spike: Damn, he's gonna run his mouth... Glory: Don't say it!! Chris: I'm Jolly D. Chris, and i'm a pirate!! Drautic: Jolly D. Chris? Pirate? I'm afraid I haven't heard of you. I'm Drautic D. Draco, Captain of The Dreaded Pirates. Austinato here is my First Mate. Chris: Oh, I see... Aphro: Ugh, Chris caused everyone to leave. I bet the Marines will be after us again. Glory[whining]: Can't we stop at an island without being chased away? Why does this always happen to us? Chris[shocked and excited]: You have the same middle initial as me!!! Drautic: Yeah, so? Chris: Maybe we're long lost brothers?!! Drautic: You? My brother? Sorry, but i'm an only child. Besides, I think i'd remember having a sibling who shouts as much as you. Spike: Another pirate crew, eh? Hopefully they aren't our enemies. Drautic: Good. You don't seem to be all that threatening. For a minute, I thought i'd have to kill you for bothering my crew. Chris: Same here. Drautic: UGH!! What's that smell?! Drautic: That was you?! Disgusting! You should warn someone next time! Chris: SHUT UP!! THAT WASN'T ME!!! Drautic: What'd you say? Chris: You heard me, jerk!! Drautic: You know what? I was going to leave you guys alone... But now you've gone and pissed me off! Chris: Same here! Drautic: Then let's settle this! Chris: Fine! Drautic and Chris: LET'S SETTLE THIS OUTSIDE!!! Dasher: Shit, captain's pissed, you better be sorry now fools. Sakura: Do you seriously think our captain will die like that easily? [Unsheathes her sword] If that were true, I would've killed him myself. Austinato: Oh cut the bull, we're scared of your uncle not you. Sakura: Insolent son of a- Aphro: [Pissed] Hey! Don't go running your mouth on people you don't know! Glory: Everyone calm down. Aeon: So even though that crew is filled with weirdos there's always the peace maker huh? Hanuman: I say same to you. Akira: Hey Timber, your my neighbor back at water 7 right? Who would ever knew you would be a pirate, AND OUR CAPTAINS GONNA FIGHT TO THE DEATH TOO! Timber: Ummmm, yeah. Hey look it's my "Timber mallet"! Akira: Woah. It's like a giant hammer or something. [Shows him his Rifle] And this is my rifle, Thousand miles. Drautic: Attack already! Chris: Nu-uh! You attack first! Drautic: Nah, I might smell your fart. Chris: [pissed] Clay clay Firearm! [shoots wildly at drautic] Drautic: Can you do better? Ten digit drilling bones [Carefully shoots chris] Chris: [gets hit] Gah! How can you harm me? Wait, Haki?! Drautic: Yep, without this skill in my arsenal. Akainu and Kizaru would've killed me right now. [forms his right arm into a large goat skull blade] Now go meet my friend "Baphomet". Chris: [unable to move and now starting to lose conciusnes] Dammit. Drautic: [Prepares to finish him off] Any last wor- Glory: I was underestimating you a bit, never thought a runt like you could use haki. Drautic: Runt? Me? Eat crap! Spike is seen dragging his unconcious captain in the sidelines. Drautic: [pummels glory] If he admitted that he's the one who farted, this would've never happened! Glory: How can you be so strong? Renzu: [Unsheathes his Hex swords] looks like it's all out war now Sakura: [Preparing to strike Renzu] Indeed. Renzu: [smiles] looks like you're going to be my opponent. Let's have fun. Sakura: [Amused at what Renzu said] Sure. Glory: *hah* I can't take this much damage *hah* Drautic: [Kicks glory] Don't sput that crap! Even though you're a woman, you chose to be a pirate! Senshin: Drautic's in a bad mood. Dasher: Let him be, he needs to let it out. Wyatt: Hey assholes, how about you take me on 2on1 I'm a sniper and I can easily kill you- Dasher: I've been waiting for you to say that, you seem a little too overconfident with your skills there. Wanna try it on me, huh? Wyatt:[ I thought they were the weaker ones...] Uh.... Dasher: Cross-dressing weirdo. Wyatt: [unconcious] Aphro: How about you fight me. [Prepares his fists] I'll deal with you, the Okama way! Senshin: [Pats Dasher's back] Good luck. Dasher: I'll use haki this time. Aphro: Haki?! Wait you can use ha- Dasher: Okama my ass. [Gets punched by Spike and is sent flying] Spike: Never hurt my nakama you bitch! Dasher gets up, not hurt and prepares to fight Spike. Dasher: [Grips on his Kiribachi] Bring it on. Dasher puts his burn bazooka at his back and prepares to face off against Spike in his Kentrosaurus form Dasher: Big bang! [Hits Spike with the back of his sword with full force causing spike to loose sight of dasher] Spike: Dammit! Huge whip [tries to hit Dasher but Dasher is too far] Dasher: Slows ass freak! [fires his burn bazooka at spike] Now burn! Spike: [Gets burned] Ngggggh! Glory: Are you even having fun? Fighting opponents who can't even use Haki. Drautic: Oi, I never wanted to fight with you but Mihawk's niece wanted to so you left me with no other choice. Senshin: So you must be Hanuman huh? Hanuman: What it to you? Senshin: Ahahaha, well. Since our crew is fightign it all out... How about we cook so that after the fight is over, they can eat up and replenish their strength. Hanuman: Sound great. Sure. Chris: What's happening? [sees glory getting beat up by Drautic] Glory!!!!!! [unconciously uses haki to harm Drautic] Gaaaaaaaah! [his arms transforms into sharp clay blades] Drautic: Nggggh! This is getting annoying! [uses soru to get close to Chris] Shinigami trick: Dread hammer! [Transforms his head into a massive skull shaped hammer and hits Chris with full force] Drautic: You fought well, but not enough.[His left hand transform into a massive goat shaped sword] Chris: So you're gonna kill me huh? Drautic: [Slashes down 5 marines with his massive sword] Nope. Chris: What's on your mind? Glory: Hehehehe, smart ass. Thinking of working together? Drautic: Yep. Meanwhile Renzu and Sakura is seen postponing their fight and fights a powerful opponent. Renzu: Shiiit, why are you even here?! Sakura: [chilled] Who're you? ??????: What a bother, Ice age! Renzu: Dammit!!! Aokiji!!! Sakura: Huh?! Aokiji: Now, let me capture you. Sakura: Aokiji? Damn. Renzu: Yep, it looks like those Marine bastards sent a Buster Call after us. Shit! Aokiji: That attack... I've seen it somewhere before. Drautic: You call that an attack? You're a Logia type too! You should know as well as I do that those kinds of attacks can't hurt Aokiji. Dumbass! Chris[serious]: Relax, I know what i'm doing. I fought this guy before. Drautic: Huh? You fought Aokiji? With those crappy skills?! Chris: Look, i'd continue fighting and arguing with you if it weren't for this guy getting in our way. Drautic: Yeah. These damn Marines are getting in the way of our fight. Drautic: Hm? The kid's going to fight Aokiji too? Chris: Hey, Drautic. Only my Navigator, lion, and Cook can stand up to this guy. They have Busoshoku Haki. Timber created a distraction, so if you intend on attacking, I think you should do it now. Drautic: Hm? Well, isn't this a change from that childish attitude you had earlier. Fine, i'll kill the bastard. Chris: Kill?! But that's too much! Chris: What the hell?! You were so strong against me, but Aokiji's treating it like a minor annoyance! Drautic: Look again. I injured him. He knows that he won't last long in a one on one fight against me. Chis: ... Drautic: What? Chris: Oh, just remembering when I first faced Aokiji. He was beyond my level of strength, and even my First Mate's too. It seems he's been getting stronger. Drautic: Whatever, i'll still kill him in the end. Chris: I told you! That's too much! Drautic: Don't be such a baby. This man doesn't intend on letting any pirates live, so why should we hold back? Chris: But... Still. Renzu: Shit, now he's on alert. Aokiji: "Rookie Shinigami" Drautic, and "Stinky" Chris. To think that the two of you would be here. How infuriating. Drautic: Damn! Now what? Sakura: I didn't want to use this right away, but... Ittoryuuu, Ougi! Kirikirimai! Sakura: Not done. Now! Glory: Tiger Style: Crossing Claws! Drautic: So the girl shows up at the last minute. Even with the beating I gave her earlier. Chris: Oi, don't start with that! Our enemy's Aokiji. Renzu: Well, what was left of him that is. Spike: You've gotta be kidding me... In my injured state... I don't think I could stand up to this like I normally would. Timber: No time for your bravado, Spike! We have to get ultra going! Aeon: Hm? Where's Akira?! Senshin: He should be here! It's not like him to run off. Chris: Where's Timber?! And Glory?! Hanuman: They get lost?! Austinato: I don't think so. I'm not sure about your guys, but Akira has a good sense of direction. Spike: Guys! Look at the ground! Drautic: Grrrr!!! That bastard's still alive!! And he somehow managed to capture Akira!! Chris: RAAAAAAAA!!!! THAT ASSHOLE KIDNAPPED TIMBER AND GLORY!!! Drautic: Then it's settled... Chris: Yeah... Chris and Drautic: WE'RE GOING TO KICK AOKIJI'S FROZEN ASS!!!! Chris: Hanuman, Lawrence, you guys take Wyatt and Aphro back to the ship. Hanuman: Huh? Why? Chris: Because it won't do us any good if you guys can't fight while having to protect them, so move!! Dasher: Alright then, let's do this thing! Everyone: TO AOKIJI!
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