| - Do a quest for Illusen and she'll give you a reward. This is rated as a hard game of luck/chance. Visit the for the full list of games. You can do one of Illusen's quests every twelve hours. Once you complete one of them, you cannot do one for her or Jhudora for another 12 hours. Listed below are the rewards Illusen gives you for completing her quests. Also, since these are quests you request, you are able to use the Shop Wizard for finding items. Also, ple ase keep in mind that while the items that Illusen asks for start at low rarities and are very easy to find, you will notice that as you approach higher levels, the items that she asks for become rarer and rarer in terms of the "Rarity" rating. Eventually, at the highest levels, Illusen will only ask for items around Rarities 97 through 100. Many of these items are unbuyable, so your best course of action is to scout the Trading Post and hope that a) the item is for sale and b) the seller is online since you are only given approximately 15 minutes to return with the item. The unbuyable items can sometimes reach into the millions or even tens of millions of NP, so unless you are extremely lucky, this will be very expensive.