| - The Polaron was a warship of the New Republic Fifth Fleet which was comprised entirely of New Class starships.
- Das Polaron gehört zu der Gruppe der subatomaren Partikel. Ein Polaron-Partikel erzeugt eine Strahlung, an der ein Humanoider nach längerer Einwirkung sterben kann. (DS9: ) In der realen Wissenschaft sind Polaronen Quasi-Teilchen, die als virtuelle Überträger einer Strukturdeformation, zum Beispiel durch Ladungsverschiebung in Kristallgitter, angesehen werden. Überträgt man diese Beschreibung auf die fiktive Star-Trek-Physik, so sind Polaronen Überträger von Deformationen des Raumkontinuum oder Subraum, was erklären kann, wieso sie Kraftfelder durchdringen können.
- A Polaron is a particle that does not respond to ordinary atoms but instead tends to gravitate around the magnetic fields of photons. If a photon strikes another magnetic field with sufficient force, there is interference in both fields and in this interference and only during this period of interference may a polaron be induced to react with normal matter by plunging through the much stronger magnetic fields of matter and destabilizing any atoms below it. If the molecules are tightly packed together e.g. in a solid, the van der Waal's forces are powerful enough to prevent total disintegration. However, this is not so for liquids or gases. Luckily, polaron collisions are relatively rare, and their effect on the environment is minimal.
- Le Dominion utilisait des rayons à polaron comme arme principale. (DS9: "The Jem'Hadar") Les vaisseaux de la Hiérarchie du Quadrant Delta étaient également équipés d'armes au polaron. (VOY: "Renaissance Man") Les radiations de polarons sont mortelles pour les humanoïdes, et déstabilisent le métabolisme des Métamorphes. En 2373, Starfleet Science mit au point des émetteurs de polarons capables de démasquer les Métamorphes. (DS9: "Apocalypse Rising") Les Borgs utilisaient un rayon polaron pour scanner les autres vaisseaux. (VOY: "Scorpion, Part I")
- The Dominion used phased polaron beams as their primary weapons. (DS9: "The Jem'Hadar") The ships of the Hierarchy in the Delta Quadrant were also armed with polaron-based weaponry. (VOY: "Renaissance Man") Polaron radiation was fatal to humanoids, and had a destabilizing effect on Changeling physiology. In 2373, Starfleet Science developed modified polaron emitters which they believed would expose a Changeling. (DS9: "Apocalypse Rising") The Nyrian translocator used a burst of polarons to create a spatial distortion field around a target individual just prior to transport. (VOY: "Displaced")
- A polaron was a type of subatomic particle. Polaron radiation was fatal to humanoids, and also has a destabilizing effect on Changeling physiology. (DS9 episode: "Apocalypse Rising") In 2269, the USS T'Saura attempted to use a polaron burst to disrupt a Gorn minefield blockade around the Delta Triangle. (SCE eBook: Where Time Stands Still) In 2373, Starfleet Science tried to create modified polaron emitters which could expose suspected Changelings, without doing harm to other species. (DS9 episode: "Apocalypse Rising")
| - The Dominion used phased polaron beams as their primary weapons. (DS9: "The Jem'Hadar") The ships of the Hierarchy in the Delta Quadrant were also armed with polaron-based weaponry. (VOY: "Renaissance Man") Polaron radiation was fatal to humanoids, and had a destabilizing effect on Changeling physiology. In 2373, Starfleet Science developed modified polaron emitters which they believed would expose a Changeling. (DS9: "Apocalypse Rising") Polarons could be used to illuminate hidden vessels. In 2371, USS Voyager used a polaron burst to bypass a Kazon-Nistrim raider's masking circuitry. (VOY: "State of Flux") In 2372, Seska located Chakotay's hidden shuttle from her raider by bouncing coherent polaron pulses from the lateral deflectors off his hull. (VOY: "Maneuvers") When alone, the small ships of the Swarm species used polaron bursts to "paint" intruder vessels, bringing them to the attention of the larger swarm. The bursts changed the shield polarity of the target ship to a rotation of 92 gigahertz, making them much more obvious to sensors. (VOY: "The Swarm") In 2373, Voyager used a high-energy polaron pulse from its main deflector to interfere with the subatomic disruptor being fired by the timeship Aeon. (VOY: "Future's End") The Nyrian translocator used a burst of polarons to create a spatial distortion field around a target individual just prior to transport. (VOY: "Displaced") The Borg used a polaron beam to scan other spacecraft. (VOY: "Scorpion") In 2374, the shuttle Cochrane II from the Voyager fired a polaron pulse at a relay station in the Hirogen communications network in order to stabilize its containment field. (VOY: "Hunters") In 2375, Tuvok fired a polaron burst from Voyager's multispatial probe to disrupt the hold of a Malon export vessel, eleventh gradient's tractor beam. (VOY: "Extreme Risk") Later that year, the Varro employed polaron surges to slow down the progress of silicon-based synthetic parasites that were destroying their generational ship (VOY: "The Disease") When the biomimetic duplicate of USS Voyager was attempting to seek shelter on a Y-class planet in 2375, Tuvok suggested that a polaron burst might disrupt the shields of an intervening mining vessel long enough for them to target the warp core. However, Captain Kathryn Janeway was unwilling to destroy the other ship over a misunderstanding, even for their own survival. (VOY: "Course: Oblivion") In 2376, the crew of Voyager considered using a polaron burst to overload the warp core of an attacking Kobali starship. However, Lyndsay Ballard rejected the proposal as she did not want the Kobali ship destroyed. (VOY: "Ashes to Ashes") In 2377, the Voyager crew used a polaron modulator to create a shield bubble around all of the allied ships in order to escape the Void. (VOY: "The Void")
- Le Dominion utilisait des rayons à polaron comme arme principale. (DS9: "The Jem'Hadar") Les vaisseaux de la Hiérarchie du Quadrant Delta étaient également équipés d'armes au polaron. (VOY: "Renaissance Man") Les radiations de polarons sont mortelles pour les humanoïdes, et déstabilisent le métabolisme des Métamorphes. En 2373, Starfleet Science mit au point des émetteurs de polarons capables de démasquer les Métamorphes. (DS9: "Apocalypse Rising") Les polarons peuvent être utilisés pour illuminer les vaisseaux cachés. En 2371, le USS Voyager utilisa un flash de polarons pour déjouer les systèmes de camouflage d'un raider Kazon-Nistrim. (VOY: "State of Flux") En 2372, Seska utilisa des impulsions polaroniques cohérentes pour localiser la navette de Chakotay. (VOY: "Maneuvers") Lorsqu'ils étaient isolés, les petits vaisseaux de l'Essaim utilisaient des flashs de polarons pour "cibler" les intrus, attirant l'attention des autres vaisseaux sur eux. Le flash changeait la polarité du bouclier du vaisseau ciblé à une fréquence de rotation de 92 gigahertz, le rendant plus facile à localiser. (VOY: "The Swarm") En 2373, Voyager utilisa son déflecteur de navigation pour émettre une impulsion polaronique à haute énergie et interférer avec le disrupteur subatomique du vaisseau temporel Aeon. (VOY: "Future's End") Le translocator[à traduire]Catégorie:Memory Alpha Traduction demandée Nyrian utilisait un flash de polaron pour créer un champ de distorsion subspatial autour de l'individu ciblé juste avant de le téléporter (VOY: "Displaced") Les Borgs utilisaient un rayon polaron pour scanner les autres vaisseaux. (VOY: "Scorpion, Part I") En 2374, une navette du Voyager émit un impulsion polaronique pour stabiliser le champ de confinement d'une des stations du réseau de communication Hirogen. (VOY: "Hunters") En 2375, Tuvok lança une impulsion polaronique depuis la sonde multispatiale de Voyager pour la libérer du rayon tracteur d'un vaisseau Malon. (VOY: "Extreme Risk") Plus tard cette même année, les Varros utilisèrent des surcharges de polarons pour retarder le développement du parasite synthétique qui détruisait leur vaisseau générationnel. (VOY: "The Disease") En 2375, quand le duplicata biomimétique de l'USS Voyager tenta de chercher refuge sur une planète de classe Y, Tuvok suggéra qu'une surcharge de polarons pourrait désactiver les boucliers d'un vaisseau minier qui s'interposait suffisamment longtemps pour pouvoir cibler son noyau de distorsion. Toutefois, le capitaine Kathryn Janeway refusa de détruire un vaisseau sur un simple malentendu, même au prix de leur survie. (VOY: "Course: Oblivion") En 2376, l'équipage du Voyager songea à utiliser une impulsion de polarons pour surcharger le noyau de distorsion d'un vaisseau Kobali qui l'attaquait. Cependant, Lyndsay Ballard rejeta cette proposition, ne souhaitant pas que les Kobalis soient détruits. (VOY: "Ashes to Ashes") En 2377, Voyager utilisa un modulateur polaron pour envelopper tous les vaisseaux alliés dans un bouclier afin de pouvoir sortir du Vide. (VOY: "The Void")
- The Polaron was a warship of the New Republic Fifth Fleet which was comprised entirely of New Class starships.
- Das Polaron gehört zu der Gruppe der subatomaren Partikel. Ein Polaron-Partikel erzeugt eine Strahlung, an der ein Humanoider nach längerer Einwirkung sterben kann. (DS9: ) In der realen Wissenschaft sind Polaronen Quasi-Teilchen, die als virtuelle Überträger einer Strukturdeformation, zum Beispiel durch Ladungsverschiebung in Kristallgitter, angesehen werden. Überträgt man diese Beschreibung auf die fiktive Star-Trek-Physik, so sind Polaronen Überträger von Deformationen des Raumkontinuum oder Subraum, was erklären kann, wieso sie Kraftfelder durchdringen können.
- A Polaron is a particle that does not respond to ordinary atoms but instead tends to gravitate around the magnetic fields of photons. If a photon strikes another magnetic field with sufficient force, there is interference in both fields and in this interference and only during this period of interference may a polaron be induced to react with normal matter by plunging through the much stronger magnetic fields of matter and destabilizing any atoms below it. If the molecules are tightly packed together e.g. in a solid, the van der Waal's forces are powerful enough to prevent total disintegration. However, this is not so for liquids or gases. Luckily, polaron collisions are relatively rare, and their effect on the environment is minimal.
- A polaron was a type of subatomic particle. Polaron radiation was fatal to humanoids, and also has a destabilizing effect on Changeling physiology. (DS9 episode: "Apocalypse Rising") In 2269, the USS T'Saura attempted to use a polaron burst to disrupt a Gorn minefield blockade around the Delta Triangle. (SCE eBook: Where Time Stands Still) In 2373, Starfleet Science tried to create modified polaron emitters which could expose suspected Changelings, without doing harm to other species. (DS9 episode: "Apocalypse Rising") The Githzarai, a starship used by Grauq, had a weakness to Polaron particles which caused disruption its power systems. (DS9 novel: Warpath)