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- The flag of the Netherlands province of Groningen has a white cross design with the upper hoist and lower fly sections red, and the remaining two sections blue. Inside the white cross is a thinner green cross.
- Groningen es un provinse de Nederland.
- Groningen (gronings: Grönnen oder Grunnen, friesisch: Grins (Stadt)/Grinslân (Provinz), latein: Groninga), Stadt und Provinz in die Niederlande.
- Groningen is de hoofdstad van de Noordelijke Nederlanden, het is de ook de grootste stad in de Noordelijke Nederlanden. In Groningen zit de regering van de Noordelijk Nederlanden.
- Groningen is a university city in the northeast of the Netherlands, the capital of Groningen province. Since 1986 the city has hosted the Eurosonic and Noorderslag festivals every January. Eurosonic features music acts from around Europe while the Noorderslag festival concentrates on Dutch artists.
- Groningen pronunciation is the northeasternmost province of the Netherlands with a typical Low Saxon dialect, with local nuances. Nowadays, many inhabitants of the province do not speak the dialect, especially in the city of Groningen where many outsiders have moved.
- Groningen is the most important province of Kitten-o' Livia (it is actually bigger than the katlands itself due to a sewage system connection with Moscow and its surrounding areas), known to most Belgians and Scotsmen as faraway Holland, which is a suburb of Paris, the European capital. It borders on Amsterdam to the North, Lake Titicaca to the East, Wembley Stadium to the South, and Västerårit to the West. It also shares borders with Paraguay via an intricate system of underground tunnels that link the local University to the basement of famous Paraguay pedagogue Fernando Álvares. Though the village officially borders on Germany as well, inhabitants have repeatedly denied this. Recently, the village was shown in a number of CNN reports, when Groningen was stricken by great water damage fo
- Op 1 maart 1910 opende de GTG de eerste twee tramlijnen. Lijn 1 reed de route Noorderstation · Grote Markt · Heereweg, lijn 3 ging de verbinding verzorgen van de Grote Markt naar het Hoofdstation. Een maand later, op 1 april 1910, kwam er een derde lijn bij, lijn 2 van de Kraneweg via het A-Kerkhof en Grote Markt naar de Oostersingel. Een vierde tramlijn, lijn 4, verscheen op 1 juni 1915 en ging de verbinding verzorgen van de Grote Markt naar de Veemarkt.
- The Groningen shares much of its initial foundation with the Friesian, East Friesian and Alt-Oldenburger, and Holsteiner: small native farm horses and medieval destriers were influenced by popular Spanish, Neapolitan, and Arabian horses in the 17th and 18th centuries. Horses like England's Cleveland Bay were also utilized, producing a horse that was tall by the standards of the day, as well as reasonably elegant with deep, wide haunches and a thick, high-set neck.
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- The flag of the Netherlands province of Groningen has a white cross design with the upper hoist and lower fly sections red, and the remaining two sections blue. Inside the white cross is a thinner green cross.
- Groningen es un provinse de Nederland.
- Groningen (gronings: Grönnen oder Grunnen, friesisch: Grins (Stadt)/Grinslân (Provinz), latein: Groninga), Stadt und Provinz in die Niederlande.
- The Groningen shares much of its initial foundation with the Friesian, East Friesian and Alt-Oldenburger, and Holsteiner: small native farm horses and medieval destriers were influenced by popular Spanish, Neapolitan, and Arabian horses in the 17th and 18th centuries. Horses like England's Cleveland Bay were also utilized, producing a horse that was tall by the standards of the day, as well as reasonably elegant with deep, wide haunches and a thick, high-set neck. Although selection procedures had been in use for many years, the first Dutch horse registries weren't founded until the late 19th and early 20th centuries. The North-Netherlands Warmblood Horse Studbook, or NWP, regulated horse breeding in Groningen, Friesland, and Drenthe, while the NSTg did the same for the southern regions, including Gelderland. The goals of the registries were characterized by distinct differences in the soil composition: Groningen had heavy, wet, clay soil and needed a particularly stout horse to till it, while the soil in Gelderland was sandier. Nevertheless, both studbooks aimed to produce a horse that could perform farm work, retaining as much elegance as possible to make them attractive carriage horses. This goal echoed that of neighboring East Frisia and Oldenburg, regions with which breeding stock were freely exchanged. The NWP also utilized Holsteiners, which were rumored to have been influenced by the horses of Dutch immigrants. In reality, all parts of the region known as Frisia have ties beyond the similarity of their soil and weather. The result of these exchanges was that at the turn of the century, the Groningen, East Friesian, Oldenburger, and Holsteiner were calm, substantial farm and carriage horses with primarily dark coats. In the 1920s and 30's, horses were bred to be rather heavier, fulfilling the roles of tractor horse and artillery horse, though the lighter Karossier type was still present in all populations.
- Groningen is de hoofdstad van de Noordelijke Nederlanden, het is de ook de grootste stad in de Noordelijke Nederlanden. In Groningen zit de regering van de Noordelijk Nederlanden.
- Op 1 maart 1910 opende de GTG de eerste twee tramlijnen. Lijn 1 reed de route Noorderstation · Grote Markt · Heereweg, lijn 3 ging de verbinding verzorgen van de Grote Markt naar het Hoofdstation. Een maand later, op 1 april 1910, kwam er een derde lijn bij, lijn 2 van de Kraneweg via het A-Kerkhof en Grote Markt naar de Oostersingel. Een vierde tramlijn, lijn 4, verscheen op 1 juni 1915 en ging de verbinding verzorgen van de Grote Markt naar de Veemarkt. Het lijnennet van de GTG werd in 1921 gecompleteerd met de buitenlijn, lijn 5, die de Grote Markt via de Heereweg ging verbinden met Haren, Glimmen en station De Punt. Hiermee kwam de electrische tram nog een klein stukje in de provincie Drenthe. Deze lijn werd in fasen geopend tussen 20 april en 1 oktober 1921. Het net had nu een lengte van 18 km. Zes jaar later, in 1927, werd lijn 2 vervangen door de eerste trolleybus van Nederland, die reed van de Grote Markt naar de Kraneweg. Deze werd toen nog niet zo genoemd maar was 'een tram zonder rails'. Het oostelijke deel van lijn 2 naar de Oostersingel werd opgeheven. In 1928 werd ook de route van lijn 4 opgenomen in trolleybuslijn 2 die toen ging doorrijden naar de Meeuwerderweg. De proef beviel blijkbaar goed, want deze eerste trolleybuslijn bleef bestaan tot 1965. Later werden ook de lijnen 1 en 3 hierdoor vervangen. Buitenlijn 5 werd opgeheven omdat het steeds drukker wordende verkeer op de Rijksstraatweg een probleem ging vormen. De tram reed hier enkelsporig aan de kant van de weg, met enkele wisselplaatsen. Rijkswaterstaat wilde van de tram af en zo kwam op 1 augustus 1939 een einde aan de tram naar Haren. Wel bleven er nog trams rijden tot aan de gemeentegrens bij de Esserweg. Het nog maar 18 jaar oude trammaterieel werd, op twee motorwagens na, gesloopt. Het vervoer naar Haren werd overgenomen door bussen. Lijn 1 was tegelijk met lijn 5 ook opgeheven, maar keerde na het uitbreken van de Tweede Wereldoorlog in mei 1940 terug. De sporen van lijn 5 waren toen al opgebroken. Lijn 3 was gaan doorrijden naar het Noorderstation. De overgebleven twee tramlijnen bleven, met een onderbreking van enkele maanden in de winter 1944-1945, in dienst tot 13 december 1949. Toen werden ook lijn 1 (Noorderstation / Grote Markt · Heereweg / Esserweg) en lijn 3 (Noorderstation / Grote Markt · Hoofdstation) door trolleybussen vervangen. Het bedrijf ging verder als Gemeentelijk Vervoerbedrijf Groningen (GVG).
- Groningen is the most important province of Kitten-o' Livia (it is actually bigger than the katlands itself due to a sewage system connection with Moscow and its surrounding areas), known to most Belgians and Scotsmen as faraway Holland, which is a suburb of Paris, the European capital. It borders on Amsterdam to the North, Lake Titicaca to the East, Wembley Stadium to the South, and Västerårit to the West. It also shares borders with Paraguay via an intricate system of underground tunnels that link the local University to the basement of famous Paraguay pedagogue Fernando Álvares. Though the village officially borders on Germany as well, inhabitants have repeatedly denied this. Recently, the village was shown in a number of CNN reports, when Groningen was stricken by great water damage following the overflowing of the river Danube. Other recent sightings of the village in international news include the story of a small fleet of British Navy vessels entering Groningen just after these floods, filling their holds with as much fresh water as possible, and attempting to ferry the water to the drought-stricken London area. US president Bush referred to Groningen as "what?".
- Groningen pronunciation is the northeasternmost province of the Netherlands with a typical Low Saxon dialect, with local nuances. Nowadays, many inhabitants of the province do not speak the dialect, especially in the city of Groningen where many outsiders have moved. In the east it borders the German state of Niedersachsen (districts of Leer and Emsland), in the south Drenthe, in the west Fryslân and in the north the Wadden Sea. Land use in Groningen is mainly agricultural, it has a large natural gas field near Slochteren. Local plans to stir economic development and create a city scene similar to New York are under way; rezoning hearings began in late 2005. East Groningen has been the scene of a particularly fierce class struggle in the 19th and 20th century. Perhaps not coincidentally, Groningen boasts the only municipality (Beerta) where the Dutch Communist party has ever had a mayor (Hanneke Jagersma). The capital of the province is the city of Groningen.
- Groningen is a university city in the northeast of the Netherlands, the capital of Groningen province. Since 1986 the city has hosted the Eurosonic and Noorderslag festivals every January. Eurosonic features music acts from around Europe while the Noorderslag festival concentrates on Dutch artists.