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- Jorge is Stephen Colbert's trusty gardener. On May 1, 2006, Jorge was not so trusty as he was not seen at work all day long. Stephen was not happy with the unruliness of his garden that day, I tell you. Otherwise, Jorge does a decent job of tending to the Colbert plantation property.
- Jorge Oliviera is an unseen character in Tropico 4. He is an extremely athletic but also incredibly dumb farmer. According to Penultimo, he's also the presidente's second nephew.
- Jorge is a twice-appearing minor character from the Venture Bros.. He was indirectly responsible for inspiring Venturestein in creating U.R.G.H..
- Jorge est un juge qui était à la tête d'un navire judiciaire qui naviguait en direction de Water Seven.
- Jorge was a friend of Carlos Olivera.
- Jorge was a terran who lived in "The Gutter".
- Jorge was a worker for Kazu Tamazaki.
- Jorge was the son of Anita.
- Jorge adalah kepala dari Kapal Yudisial yang berlayar ke Water 7.
- Dialogue >> Jorge is a young boy who along with his friends is lost in the mystical world of Poptropica. Traveling from island to island and going on adventures, he's the comic relief of the storyline. He appears in the Poptropica Comic, in the Mystery of the Map graphic novel series, and appears in Mystery of the Map Island.
- Jorge Guererra was a character competiting in Endurance. He was labeled as The War-Obsessed Outsider. Jorge received 2nd Place.
- Jorge was a German soldier, who served as one of Dieterhoffmann's thugs during the effort to reclaim the Spear of Longinus for Nazi Germany. A large, grizzly man with a thick beard, Jorge frequently assisted Kurt in matters of physical violence.
- Jorge was a male Human who worked for Oridelve Incorporated on the planet Gavos. During the Gavos Droid Revolution, he was trapped with Marv Moray and the other miners. He was rescued by a group of adventurers working for Bargos.
- Jorge was a sailor who met Debbie Jellinsky at a bar. Together, they sang "Macho Man" until Debbie had to leave to kill Uncle Fester.
- Jorge is a human Exo-Force pilot and mechanical, his battle machine is the Strike Hunter.
- Jorge is a minor character in Uncharted: Golden Abyss. He is a member of Roberto Guerro's army.
- Jorge was the head of the judicial ship that sailed to Water 7.
- Jorge (ジョルジ Joruji?) fue el juez enviado desde Enies Lobby a Water Seven para juzgar a Tom.
- Jorge (ジョージ Jōji) is a member of the Merchant Convoy in Path of Radiance and Radiant Dawn. When at the Base he will buy weapons and items from you. He likes to play war games with his twin brother, Daniel. While he thought up the game, Daniel quickly got better at it than him, so in a Base Conversation in Path of Radiance, Jorge asks Ike for advice on what to do when there's an enemy in the way that you don't want to kill. The only visible difference between him and Daniel is that Jorge has blonde hair, while Daniel has brown hair.
- Jorge ist ein Charakter in Die Auserwählten - In der Brandwüste und Die Auserwählten - In der Todeszone. Er übernimmt Brenda gegenüber eine Art Vaterrolle.
- Jorge se puede referir a:
* Jorge (GTA): Personaje secundario de Grand Theft Auto.
* Jorge (IV): Personaje secundario de Grand Theft Auto IV.
* Jorge (TBoGT): Personaje secundaria de Grand Theft Auto: The Ballad of Gay Tony.
* Jorge (CW): Personaje secundario de Grand Theft Auto: Chinatown Wars.
- Jorge is Mariella's brother, making her Helen's uncle. He is the father of Carolina, Helen's cousin. He also likes to drink hot chocolate but not by himself on his birthday, and runs a grocery store.
- Jorge - jeden z więźniów, z którym siedział młodszy Stan w kolumbijskim więzieniu.
- Jorge is a small time fixer, running operations out of a stone two story burnt-out pharmacy that smells of sulfur and the petrochemicals of yesteryear. The windows of both floors are shattered & boarded up, and there's always either Jorge's Orc bodyguard, a brute named Alf, or a few bribed Rusted Stillettos lingering on the premise to keep the rabble away.
- Jorge used to work at a "Mexican" restaurant (presumably modeled after "El Pollo Loco") with his boss and manager, Loretta, a put-upon black woman with a nicotine addiction. Usually, whenever Jorge is done talking, he puts his hands up and points to someone and sighs deeply. Disgusted by the meal choices and cooking procedures at the restaurant, Jorge recited long, overly dramatic soliloquies about his Mexican heritage. Jorge . He is played by Keegan-Michael Key.