In an alternate reality, Talok VIII is a planet located in the Milky Way Galaxy, the eighth planet of the Talok star system and the homeworld of a humanoid civilization known as the Talokians. By this reality's 30th century, Talok VIII was allied with the United Planets. As a natural adaptation, the Talokians were possessed of an ability to emit shadow fields that repelled all light. Talok VIII was the birthplace of Shadow Lass, a member of the Legion of Super-Heroes. (TOS - Legion of Super-Heroes comic: "Issue 1")
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| - In an alternate reality, Talok VIII is a planet located in the Milky Way Galaxy, the eighth planet of the Talok star system and the homeworld of a humanoid civilization known as the Talokians. By this reality's 30th century, Talok VIII was allied with the United Planets. As a natural adaptation, the Talokians were possessed of an ability to emit shadow fields that repelled all light. Talok VIII was the birthplace of Shadow Lass, a member of the Legion of Super-Heroes. (TOS - Legion of Super-Heroes comic: "Issue 1")
- It was a world of windswept plains of sand, which are broken only by scattered fortress-like cities an eroded mountain ridges. The planet nonetheless, possesses a certain grandeur in its bleakness. This world was also part of the United Planets, although local politics remained a mystery to the rest of the U.P. during the 30th century. The ruling class lived in technologically advanced cities on the plateaus and valleys, while an "untouchable" class of "mountain men" struggled to survive in the surrounding peaks.
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| - Imperial Planets/United Planets
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| - In an alternate reality, Talok VIII is a planet located in the Milky Way Galaxy, the eighth planet of the Talok star system and the homeworld of a humanoid civilization known as the Talokians. By this reality's 30th century, Talok VIII was allied with the United Planets. As a natural adaptation, the Talokians were possessed of an ability to emit shadow fields that repelled all light. Talok VIII was the birthplace of Shadow Lass, a member of the Legion of Super-Heroes. (TOS - Legion of Super-Heroes comic: "Issue 1") The Legion's universe became crossed with the Star Trek universe due to a time distortion, so it is not clear if there is a Star Trek universe version of Talok VIII as a counterpart to Shadow Lass's homeworld depicted in the Legion series.
- It was a world of windswept plains of sand, which are broken only by scattered fortress-like cities an eroded mountain ridges. The planet nonetheless, possesses a certain grandeur in its bleakness. This world was also part of the United Planets, although local politics remained a mystery to the rest of the U.P. during the 30th century. The ruling class lived in technologically advanced cities on the plateaus and valleys, while an "untouchable" class of "mountain men" struggled to survive in the surrounding peaks. Unrest during that century centered around an attempt by the mountain men to capture the cities and enjoy wealth and luxury that was denied them. During that same century, the mantle of planetary champion fell into the hands of two beings for the first time in that world's history. Grev Mallor and his sister, Tasmia, both have shadow powers granted to the champion by the shadow spirits of Talok. While Grev remained on the planet, to serve as the superhero Shadow Lad, his sister serves the whole galaxy as Shadow Lass in the Legion of Super-Heroes.
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