Copy and Paste the following to a character page and fill in the information. Information will only show up if it is written.
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| - Copy and Paste the following to a character page and fill in the information. Information will only show up if it is written.
- If you talk to sims and get positive feedback, you build relationship. You can tell if it goes up from a + sign. - sign means it went down.
- Relationships give special abilities to players during combat or fame and special items. Relationships can be created and raised by using a certain number of Dreamstones. To create a relationship with a player, they must first be added to your friends list.
- Relationship is a mechanic that abstractly determines how much an NPC likes you. Relationship is only somewhat related to whether or not a creature is actually hostile to you, or will attack you. A creature with a negative enough relationship will turn hostile if they were neutral before, but many creatures spawn hostile, and raising their relationship doesn't turn their hostility off. Relationship is most important for determining when you can marry your companions, how adventurers treat you (how much they cost in Elona+), and in Elona+, as a prerequisite to use an Astral Light Pen.
- Since triplea version it is preferred to use relationships instead of or in addition to alliances. If relationships are set, then alliances will only matter for the stats panel and any game option type victory conditions relationship values: a relationship that needs to be present in the game: "player1:player2:relationship" (will set #rounds to -1 by default) OR "player1:player2:relationship:numberOfRoundsThisRelationshipMustExistForMinimum"for example: "Japan:China:War" or "Japan:China:War:-1" or "Japan:China:War:3". It will accept "anyWar", "anyNeutral" and "anyAllied" as well.
- Your Relationship towards a vassal, faction, town, or village exhibits how much they trust or like you. Supporting them usually improves your relationship with them, while fighting or disappointing them harms it. Relationship affects your interactions with other vassals, and becomes very important if you start your own Kingdom. A very positive relationship with a vassal, for example, will allow you to talk in private with any vassal, giving you a chance to convert them to your kingdom. A very negative one, on the other hand, could cause them to hire assassins.
- A relationship is a shared acquaintance between two characters. Whenever two characters interact, they gain or lose "relationship points," based on each character's reaction to the other character. Relationship points are added or subtracted from the "relationship score," which is used to determine the general status of the relationship between the two characters. The relationship status between two characters, as well as their age, life state, and whether the characters are related to one another, ultimately determine which potential interactions the characters can engage in.
- __NOEDITSECTION__ [[English name::| ]][[English name (linked)::| ]][[Card image::| ]] [[Card type:: Card| ]][[Card type (short)::[[ Card|]]| ]][[Attribute::| ]][[Type::| ]] [[Lore::Activate only if a monster you controlled was destroyed this turn. Special Summon 1 "Elemental Hero" monster with an ATK equal to the ATK of the destroyed monster from your hand or Deck.| ]] [[?ATK::| ]][[ATK string::| ]][[?DEF::| ]][[DEF string::| ]][[Property::Normal Card| ]][[Property (short)::[[Normal Card|Normal]]| ]] Main card page: "[[Main card page::|]]"
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| - Activate only if a monster you controlled was destroyed this turn. Special Summon 1 "Elemental Hero" monster with an ATK equal to the ATK of the destroyed monster from your hand or Deck.
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| - * Special Summons from your hand
* Special Summons from your Deck
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| - Copy and Paste the following to a character page and fill in the information. Information will only show up if it is written.
- A relationship is a shared acquaintance between two characters. Whenever two characters interact, they gain or lose "relationship points," based on each character's reaction to the other character. Relationship points are added or subtracted from the "relationship score," which is used to determine the general status of the relationship between the two characters. The relationship status between two characters, as well as their age, life state, and whether the characters are related to one another, ultimately determine which potential interactions the characters can engage in. Relationships between two characters can be casual, friendly, hostile, or even romantic, all based on the history of interactions between the characters. Over time, and without interactions to reinforce the relationship, the relationship score between two characters will return towards a baseline of zero; characters that are passionate lovers or bitter enemies may eventually be nothing more than acquaintances to one another. Sims can only initiate romantic relationships with Sims of their age group (e.g. a young adult Sim cannot ask an adult Sim to be a boyfriend/girlfriend and vice versa) although it is possible for Sims in a marital relationship to age up on different days and for one Sim to temporarily be one life stage older than the other.
- If you talk to sims and get positive feedback, you build relationship. You can tell if it goes up from a + sign. - sign means it went down.
- Relationships give special abilities to players during combat or fame and special items. Relationships can be created and raised by using a certain number of Dreamstones. To create a relationship with a player, they must first be added to your friends list.
- Relationship is a mechanic that abstractly determines how much an NPC likes you. Relationship is only somewhat related to whether or not a creature is actually hostile to you, or will attack you. A creature with a negative enough relationship will turn hostile if they were neutral before, but many creatures spawn hostile, and raising their relationship doesn't turn their hostility off. Relationship is most important for determining when you can marry your companions, how adventurers treat you (how much they cost in Elona+), and in Elona+, as a prerequisite to use an Astral Light Pen.
- Since triplea version it is preferred to use relationships instead of or in addition to alliances. If relationships are set, then alliances will only matter for the stats panel and any game option type victory conditions relationship values: a relationship that needs to be present in the game: "player1:player2:relationship" (will set #rounds to -1 by default) OR "player1:player2:relationship:numberOfRoundsThisRelationshipMustExistForMinimum"for example: "Japan:China:War" or "Japan:China:War:-1" or "Japan:China:War:3". It will accept "anyWar", "anyNeutral" and "anyAllied" as well.
- __NOEDITSECTION__ [[English name::| ]][[English name (linked)::| ]][[Card image::| ]] [[Card type:: Card| ]][[Card type (short)::[[ Card|]]| ]][[Attribute::| ]][[Type::| ]] [[Lore::Activate only if a monster you controlled was destroyed this turn. Special Summon 1 "Elemental Hero" monster with an ATK equal to the ATK of the destroyed monster from your hand or Deck.| ]] [[?ATK::| ]][[ATK string::| ]][[?DEF::| ]][[DEF string::| ]][[Property::Normal Card| ]][[Property (short)::[[Normal Card|Normal]]| ]] Main card page: "[[Main card page::|]]" [[File:|link=File:|px]]
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- Your Relationship towards a vassal, faction, town, or village exhibits how much they trust or like you. Supporting them usually improves your relationship with them, while fighting or disappointing them harms it. While your character's relationship to factions and towns/villages always starts at 0, vassals can start with a better or worse impression on you, based on their personalities. Relation can range from -100 to +100. Note that once your Relationship with a vassal reaches +100, it sometimes doesn't deteriorate as it usually would. For example, a vassal with a relationship of +100 toward you may not mind if you give other vassals fiefs. Relationship affects your interactions with other vassals, and becomes very important if you start your own Kingdom. A very positive relationship with a vassal, for example, will allow you to talk in private with any vassal, giving you a chance to convert them to your kingdom. A very negative one, on the other hand, could cause them to hire assassins. Having a positive relationship with a married lady will allow you to ask them to improve your relationship with a vassal of the faction who currently has a negative relation with you by sending them gifts of 1000-3000 denars, boosting your relationship with them by +1 per 1000 denars. If you have any negative relationship with factions, you will be at war with them, and they may attack you at any time. A negative relationship with a village will prevent you from recruiting there, while a very positive one increases the possible number of recruits gained, as well as their tier. Negative relationship with a town or its lord prevents you from buying land for a Productive Enterprise, while positive relationship improves prices, as well as the city's population initially assisting you when attempting to break into the town's prison. There are several other parties you can increase your relationship with, including Tavern Keepers and Manhunters, but this has no noticeable impact on the game.