| - El dos cientos cincuentaicuatro (254) es el número natural que sigue al 253 y precede al 252. Categoría:Números
- Als Jenny Hochzeitsansprüche immer höher werden, muss Axel an Geld kommen, um diese finanzieren zu können. Er fordert von Marian, umgehend seine Schulden zu begleichen. Als Simone und Richard andeuten, dass auch sie Axel keineswegs finanziell unterstützen werden, beschließt Axel, ein Inkasso-Unternehmen zu beauftragen, um bei Marian das Geld einzutreiben. Trotz Annette Ansage beschließt Lena, Ingo weiterhin aus dem Weg zu gehen. Doch zunehmend bereut sie ihren eigenen Entschluss. Jenny trainiert verbissen für ihren Qualifikationslauf und gerät dabei mit Diana aneinander. Sie macht Diana eine Kampfansage und betont, dass sie fest entschlossen ist, die WM zu gewinnen.
- Carolyn and Elizabeth fight in the Drawing room. Elizabeth wants Carolyn to stay in because of the Collinsport Strangler. The subjects of Buzz and Jason come up and Carolyn tells Elizabeth that she finds her mother's taste in men more repulsive than Buzz could ever be. Despite Elizabeth's protests, Carolyn goes out anyway.
| - El dos cientos cincuentaicuatro (254) es el número natural que sigue al 253 y precede al 252. Categoría:Números
- Als Jenny Hochzeitsansprüche immer höher werden, muss Axel an Geld kommen, um diese finanzieren zu können. Er fordert von Marian, umgehend seine Schulden zu begleichen. Als Simone und Richard andeuten, dass auch sie Axel keineswegs finanziell unterstützen werden, beschließt Axel, ein Inkasso-Unternehmen zu beauftragen, um bei Marian das Geld einzutreiben. Trotz Annette Ansage beschließt Lena, Ingo weiterhin aus dem Weg zu gehen. Doch zunehmend bereut sie ihren eigenen Entschluss. Jenny trainiert verbissen für ihren Qualifikationslauf und gerät dabei mit Diana aneinander. Sie macht Diana eine Kampfansage und betont, dass sie fest entschlossen ist, die WM zu gewinnen.
- Carolyn and Elizabeth fight in the Drawing room. Elizabeth wants Carolyn to stay in because of the Collinsport Strangler. The subjects of Buzz and Jason come up and Carolyn tells Elizabeth that she finds her mother's taste in men more repulsive than Buzz could ever be. Despite Elizabeth's protests, Carolyn goes out anyway. Elizabeth asks Victoria to try and break up Carolyn and Buzz, but concedes that Carolyn will only settle down if she breaks off her engagement to Jason. Elizabeth tells Victoria she should just let Carolyn suffer, but she can't. She tries to convince Victoria she loves Jason, but is unconvincing and Vicky tells her so, but that it is none of her business. Victoria says she still feels that Jason "has a hold" over Elizabeth, who brings up the lack of evidence in the Basement. Victoria tells Elizabeth that maybe she has overestimated something she is ashamed of, and now Jason is taking advantage of her. Victoria excuses herself to check on David, but pauses to cast one more worried glance at Elizabeth. At The Blue Whale Jason arrives with Willie and orders him a drink and tries to tell him what he was doing at the bank earlier that day selling jewelry. Willie tells him the man was from Boston and he was selling the jewelry for Barnabas. Jason tells Willie that he is going to marry Elizabeth and become the Master of Collinwood, and Willie practically laughs in his face. He further tells Willie that when he does marry Elizabeth that he will be ruling Collinwood and he expects Willie to keep him informed of all goings-on at the Old House and he expects to be in on whatever schemes Willie has going on. Carolyn and Buzz enter, Buzz asks why Carolyn wants to come there and she says she is thirsty. Then she spots Jason and Willie and says she has just gotten sick (while looking straight at Jason). Jason tells her she should feel better soon as he is leaving. After Carolyn has had a few drinks, Buzz tries to get her to stop and have some fun, but Carolyn just wants to get smashed. Buzz suggest they go biking, but Carolyn would rather dance while Buzz watches. Carolyn decides to take Buzz up on his offer of a bike ride, but on the way out the door they run into Joe. Carolyn sends Buzz out while she chats with Joe. Carolyn tells Joe that she hopes the police find Maggie and Joe offers her a beer, but she excuses herself to go back to Buzz. She gets defensive about the gossip going on about her and blows up when he brings up Elizabeth's engagement. Joe tells her the entire thing is just a temper tantrum and she leaves to go out with Buzz. Meanwhile, back at Collinwood, Jason and Elizabeth talk about setting the date. Elizabeth says they can't because her divorce is not official yet, but Jason had spoken to Richard Garner who told him in two weeks they should be able to marry. Carolyn and Buzz arrive laughing and Carolyn rubs the marriage in Elizabeth's face. Jason tells Carolyn about the wedding date and once Carolyn recovers she invites Buzz to the ceremony. Then she gets a better idea, to make it a double wedding. Buzz seems very enthusiastic, Elizabeth is aghast. Carolyn and Buzz hug in front of Jason and Elizabeth.