About: Fate of the Jedi: Conviction   Sponge Permalink

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  • Fate of the Jedi: Conviction
  • Fate of the Jedi: Conviction
  • Fate of the Jedi: Conviction
  • Fate of the Jedi: Conviction
dramatis personae
  • *Luke Skywalker; Jedi Grand Master *Ben Skywalker; Jedi Knight *Vestara Khai Sith apprentice *Leia Organa Solo; Jedi Knight *Han Solo; pilot *Allana Solo; child *Tahiri Veila; defendant *Natasi Daala; Chief of State, Galactic Alliance *Jaina Solo; Jedi Knight *Wynn Dorvan; government aide *Valin Horn; Jedi Knight / "Hal Cyon" *Jysella Horn; Jedi Knight "Jes Cyon" *Corran Horn; Jedi Master *Drikl Lecersen; Moff *Haydnat Treen; Senator *Seha Dorvald; Jedi Knight / "Sela Dorn"
  • 380(xsd:integer)
  • *Bantha *Chitlik *Cu-pa *Dragon *Energy spider *Insect **Glowbug **Piranha beetle **Sandflea *Kowakian monkey-lizard *Monkey-lizard *Mynock *Nek *Nexu *Rancor *Sarlacc *Thranta *Womp rat
  • Conviction.jpg
  • Fate of the Jedi
Book name
  • Conviction
  • Conviction
  • 44(xsd:integer)
  • *Arc welder *Armor **Mandalorian armor **Stormtrooper armor **Vonduun Skerr Kyrric *Axe *Bacta tank *Blast door *Blaster *Blaster cannon *Blaster pistol **DL-44 heavy blaster pistol *Blaster rifle *Cannon *Carbon freezing *Carbonite *Carbonite suspension *Chrono *Clone *Club *Comlink *Comm unit *Computer *Computer monitor *Credcard *Datacard *Datachip *Datapad *Deflector shield *Deflector shield generator *Droid diagnostics unit *Electrowhip *Emergency beacon *Encephaloscanner *Engine **Ion drive *Galvanic response meter *Glowrod *Gravity well projector *Grenade **Concussion grenade *Hand scanner *Hold-out blaster *Holocam *Holocomm *Holodisplay *Holodrama *Hologram *HoloNet **Holonews ***Independent Voice News ***Landing Zone NewsNet *Holoprojector *Holosimulator "Flight simulator" *Homing beacon *Hovergurney *Hydrospanner *Hypercomm *Hyperdrive *Identicard *Inertial compensator *Intercom *Ion cannon *Jamming *Jetpack *Klatooinian facial muzzle *Laser *Lightsaber **Ben Skywalker's lightsaber **Jaina Solo's lightsaber **Luke Skywalker's lightsaber **Sith lightsaber **Taselda's lightsaber **Training lightsaber *Lightsaber hilt **Activation stud *Macrobinoculars *Magnetic accelerator *Manumission *Memory wipe *Missile *Optical goggles *Pedway *Photoreceptor *Plastinserts *Poison gas *Prosthetic *Proton torpedo *Repulsor gurney *Repulsorlift *Repulsorpod "Speakers' platform" *Restraining bolt **Inhibitor *Riot gas *Self-destruct mechanism *Sensor **Seismic sensor *S-foils *Scanner *Scatterblaster *Scomp link "Datajack" *Self-heating blanket *Shadow bomb *Shiv *Skifter *Solar panel *Sonic probe *Sublight drive *Stun *Stun cuffs **Stun cuffs for Jedi *Transponder code *Turbolaser *Turbolift *Twin ion engine *Vibroblade *Viewscreen *Vonduun crab armor
  • *Attack on Nek Bwua'tu *Blaudu Sextus slave revolt *Bleak Point Invasion *Brawl in the Armand Isard Correctional Facility *Escape from the Armand Isard Correctional Facility *Funeral of Kenth Hamner *Galactic Civil War **Battle of Nam Chorios **Battle of Yavin **Destruction of Alderaan **Rescue of Princess Leia **Seizure of Coruscant *Kidnap attempt in the Galactic Empire Embassy Complex *Liberation *Lost Tribe of Sith emergence **Battle in the Fallanassi village **First duel in Kesla Vein **Jedi Queen project **Mission to the Maw **Operation Shieldfall **Second duel in Kesla Vein **Violation *Mission to Klatooine *Operation Duusha *Plan Delta *Raid on the New Jedi Temple *Second Galactic Civil War **Skirmish on Kavan *Siege of the New Jedi Temple *Skirmish in Meliflar Station *Skirmish in the Operations Hangar *Tendrando Arms Celebrity Sabacc Charity Challenge *The Galactic Federation of Free Alliances versus Luke Skywalker *Treaty of Vontor *Trial of Tahiri Veila *Unification Summit *Yuuzhan Vong War **Battle of Borleias **Battle of Coruscant
  • Verurteilung
  • Verurteilung
  • Verurteilung
  • Conviction
  • Fate of the Jedi: Conviction
Release Date
  • --05-24
  • Cover Art Preview: The Back of Conviction
  • Fate of the Jedi First Look: Conviction
  • Conviction
  • Conviction
  • Conviction
Cover Artist
media type
  • *Hardcover *Paperback
  • *Airlock *Anti-Jedi sentiment *Atmosphere *Bacta *Bandanna *Bantha poodoo *Basalt *Basic **Sign Basic *Binary *Blink *Blood *Blue milk *Bridge (starship) *Caf *Cantina *Carbonite *Clan Lapti *Cockpit *Code Shieldfall *Coma *Corellian brandy *Coruscanti *Credit **Credcoin *Crystal **Lightsaber crystal *Dantooinian firing squad *Death *Death Seed *Die *Droch repellent *Duraplast *Durasteel *Emergency override zeta thirteen *Exile *Farm *Fern *Fire extinguisher *Flagship *Flexiplast *Flextile *Flimsiplast *The Force **Animal friendship **Art of the Small **Ayna-seff **Blood trail **Dark side of the Force ***Force lightning ***Force net ***Memory rub **Death convulsion **Force bond **Force Jump **Force meld **Force psychosis **Force sense **Force speed **Force stealth **Force Storm **Ionize **Light side of the Force **Mind trick ***Force persuasion **Mnemotherapy **Oneness **Telekinesis ***Force Pull ***Force Push **Wound in the Force *Force-sensitive *Gamorrese *Geode *Goggles *Hide-and-go-seek *Holocast *Holodrama star *Hologame table "Game table" *Hostel *Hyperspace *Ithorian wood *Jedi robe *Jedi training *Jumpsuit *Klatooinian *Leather **Nerf-hide *Lekku *Lightsaber combat **Cho mai **Mountain Storm **Sai cha **Sai tok **Shiak **Shiim **Snake Ascending a Waterfall **Sun djem *Lightsaber crystal *List of phrases and slang **Stang *Lullaby of Alderaan *Manifest *Marriage *May the Force be with you *Mercury *Milk *Mining *Nerfloaf *Nerf steak *Oil bath *Opera *Ore *Oxygen *Permacrete *Plastoid *Poison *Politics *Ration *Realspace *Refresher *Return (game) *Ryshcate *Sabacc *Sanisteam *Shyriiwook *Sign language *Sith apparel *Skifter *Skyscraper *Slavery *Sonic Screwdriver *Space tape *Star *Starfighter *Stucco *Sullustese *Tattoo *Topato **Topato soup *Torture *Transparisteel *Tree *Unarmed combat *Vacuum *Viewport *Water *Wine *Wood *Xenoeducation
  • Przeznaczenie Jedi VII: Wyrok
  • Przeznaczenie Jedi VII: Wyrok
  • Przeznaczenie Jedi VII: Wyrok
Preceded By
  • Vortex
  • *Airspeeder **Galactic Alliance Security pursuit airspeeder **T-47 airspeeder *Capital ship *Cargo transport *CC-7700 frigate **Fireborn *Courier *Death Star **Garbage Compactor 3263827 *Dust Dancer *EE-104 Fisheye **Cryptic Warning *Frigate **Corporate Sector frigate **Rakehell *Golan III Space Defense NovaGun **Herkan Base *Gunship **Corporate Sector gunship *Hapan Battle Dragon **Jeweled Delight *Hapan Destroyer *Landspeeder *Needle fighter *Podracer *Shuttle **Lambda-class T-4a shuttle ***DeepRay **Vernus *Sith Meditation Sphere **Ship *Slave I *Speeder bike *Star Destroyer **Errant Venture *StealthX *TIE/LN starfighter "TIE fighter" *TIE/sa bomber "TIE bomber" *TIE/sh shuttle "TIE shuttle" **Vote Snaplaunce *Verity *Warship *Yacht **Jade Shadow / Black Diadem *Yorik-et "Coralskipper" *YT-1300 light freighter **Millennium Falcon
  • 380(xsd:integer)
  • *Arcona *Barabel *Bothan *Chadra-Fan *Chagrian *Chev *Chiss *Devaronian *Droch *Duros *Ewok *Falleen *Gamorrean *Hapan *Human **Alderaanian **Clone **Coruscanti **Kuati *Hutt *Ithorian *Jawa *Keshiri *Klatooinian *Mon Calamari *Quarren *Ramoan *Rodian *Sullustan *Theran **Latecomer **Newcomer **Oldtimer *Tsil / Spook crystal *Tusken Raider *Twi'lek *Wookiee *Yuuzhan Vong
  • 250(xsd:integer)
  • Приговор
  • Приговор
  • Приговор
  • Fate of the Jedi
  • Conviction
  • Fate of the Jedi: Conviction
  • Destino de los Jedi: Conviction
  • vault/books/conviction/index.html
  • vault/books/conviction_back/index.html
  • *Actor *Alderaan Royal Guard *Ambassador *Barkeeper *Black market *Black Sun *Bounty hunter *Corellian Security Force *Corporate Sector Authority *Council of Elders (Klatooinian) *Dark Jedi *Doctor *Farmer *Freedom Advocacy Movement *Freedom Flight *Furan's social club *Galactic Empire **Galactic Emperor ***Emperor's Royal Guard **Grand Moff **Imperial Navy **Stormtrooper *Galactic Federation of Free Alliances **Court of Justice ***Judge **Galactic Alliance Defense Force ***Borleias Operations ****Corporal ****General ****Officer ****Quartermaster ****Sergeant ****Soldier ***Galactic Alliance Army ****Chief of Army Operations ***Galactic Alliance Defense Fleet "Galactic Alliance Navy" ****Admiral ****Captain ****Chief of Naval Operations ****Ensign ****Galactic Alliance Fleet Intelligence ***Galactic Alliance Military Police ***Galactic Alliance Starfighter Command **Galactic Alliance Department of Corrections **Galactic Alliance Department of Education **Galactic Alliance Department of Health **Galactic Alliance Department of Justice ***Alliance Marshal **Galactic Alliance Intelligence **Galactic Alliance Security ***Captain ***Corporal ***Lieutenant ***Trooper **Galactic Alliance Senate ***Appropriations and Disbursements Committee ***Senator **Office of the Chief of State ***Chief of State ****Secretary ***Chief of Staff **Triumvirate *Galactic Republic "Old Republic" *Gunner *Hapes Consortium **Queen Mother *Heuristic Financial Analysis *Holodocumentarian *Holodrama star *Imperial Remnant **Council of Moffs ***Moff **Head of State *Incom Corporation *Journalist *Koval Station Control *Koval Transport *Kuat Drive Yards / "KDY" *Latecomer *Law enforcement agency *Lawyer *Lecersen Conspiracy *Loronar Corporation *Mandalorian *Manumission Mandate Militia **Clan Vacweld *Mayor *New Jedi Order **Gold Squadron ***Gold One ***Gold Three **Grand Master **Gray Squadron ***Gray One ***Gray Two ***Gray Ten **Jedi apprentice **Jedi delegation **Jedi healer **Jedi High Council **Jedi Knight **Jedi Master **White Squadron *New Republic **Chief of State **New Republic Department of Health *Newcomer *Oldtimer *Pilot **TIE fighter pilot *Pirate *Princess *Prisoner *Rainbow Securities *Rebel Alliance *Saboteur *Sapience Defense Front / Ovin's Sand Panthers *Scavenger *Security medic *Sienar Refurbishing Plant *Sith **Darth **Lost Tribe of Sith ***High Lord ***Sith apprentice ***Sith armada ****Communications officer ***Sith Saber *Slicer *Smuggler *Sniper *Spacer *Squadron *Theran Listener **Listener-Master **Master of the Theran Listeners *Terrorist *Warden *White Four *Whiterock Rentals **Whiterock 114
  • *Astromech droid **R2-series astromech droid *C-class VoxPop advocate droid *EVS Construction Droid *Guard-droid *Lifter droid *Medical droid **2-1B medical droid *MSE-series "Mouse droid" *Protocol droid **3PO-series protocol droid *Security droid *Sensor droid *Synthdroid *YVH-Series battle droid
  • *Alderaan **Aldera *Almania system **Almania *Antemeridias *Bilbringi *Commenor *Core Worlds *Corellia *Corporate Sector *Coruscant system **Coruscant ***Armand Isard Correctional Facility ***Galactic Senate Medcenter "Medcenter" ***Javon Thewles' apartment ***New Jedi Temple ****High Council Chamber "Masters' Chamber" ****Jedi Temple Dining Hall ****Jedi Temple Docking Complex ****Jedi Temple infirmary level ***Ninth Hall of Justice ***Obridagar's Simulator Palace ***Offices of the Imperial Head of State "Residence of the Galactic Empire Head of State" ***Senate Plaza ****Senate Building *****Chief of State's oficess *****Grand Convocation Chamber *****Senate Building hangar bay ******Bay 2315 *****Senate Building security center **Coruscant Prime **Ulabos *Dagobah **Dark Side Cave *Dantooine *Dathomir *Dorin **Baran Do temple *Duro *Gamorr *Hapes system **Hapes *Hoth *Hutt Space **Si'Klaata Cluster ***Klatooine system ****Klatooine *****Fountain of the Hutt Ancients ****Klatooine (star) *Imperial Space *Kesh *Kessel **Spice Mines of Kessel *Kuat *The Maw **Shelter *Mendenbatt system **Meliflar Station *Meridian sector **Nam Chorios system ***Koval Station ***Nam ***Nam Chorios ****Bleak Point Station ****Crystal Valley *****Crystal Valley pumping station ****Enzymar Research and Development facility ****Herkan Base ****Hweg Shul *****Admirable Admiral *****Hweg Shul Spaceport *****Unidentified Hweg Shul taproom ****Kesla Vein *****Kesla Vein pumping station ****Rock ivory processing plant ****Ruby Gulch *Naboo *Ossus **Jedi Academy (Ossus) *Pyria system **Borleias ***Borleias outpost **Pyria *Relgim sector **Ushmin *Tatooine *Yavin system **Yavin 4 ***Jedi academy
Followed By
  • Ascension
  • Conviction
  • Conviction
  • 978(xsd:integer)
  • Conviction
Other Characters
  • *Abeloth *Nialle Aker *Anji *Tola Annax *Beldorian [sic] *Fost Bramsin *Eramuth Bwua'tu *Nek Bwua'tu *C-3PO / "Threepio" *Darth Caedus / Jacen Solo *Lando Calrissian *Cardya *Cilghal *Reni Coll *Cyndra *Cura *Natasi Daala's scheduling secretary *Eldo Davip *Eldo Davip's pilot *Fardan Dei *Querdan Dei *Sul Dekkon *Tenel Ka Djo "Tenel Ka Chume Ta’ Djo" *Taru Durn *Kyp Durron / "Izzen Fray" *Dzym *Fala *Jagged Fel *Soontir Fel *Syal Antilles Fel "Wynssa Starflare" *Boba Fett *Furan *Furan's accomplice *Fuzzy *Gaharrag *Bandy Geffer *Tol Getelles *Hallaf *Kenth Hamner *Hara *Mirax Terrik Horn *Hunor *Azmar Huun *Merratt Jaxton *Josat *Dolo Karenzi *Dolo Karenzi's father *Kyle Katarn *Gavar Khai *Gavar Khai's communications officer *Gavar Khai's petty officer *Zilaash Kuh *Raharra Lapti *Owen Lars *Leurm *Desha Lor *Lowbacca *Trinnolt Makken *Callista Ming *Mither *Naysay *Nenn *Kandra Nilitz *Beurth Ogh *Grunel Ovin *Padnel Ovin *Palpatine *Sallinor Parova *Sallinor Parova's father *Gilad Pellaeon *Pocket *R2-D2 / "Artoo" *Octa Ramis / "Olya Merker" *Deggan Rockbender *Sothais Saar *Yaqeel Saav'etu *Sazat *Saba Sebatyne *Mara Jade Skywalker *Snaplaunce *Kam Solusar *Tionne Solusar *Sparkle *Dyon Stadd *Sarasu Taalon *Tyria Sarkin Tainer *Wilhuff Tarkin *Teselda [sic] / "Sel" *Tekli *Booster Terrik *Otha Tevarkian *Otha Tevarkian's impostor *Stavin Thaal *Thei *Thei's husband *Thei's mother *Javon Thewles *Tooley *Raynar Thul *Tuvar *Unidentified Hapan ambassador *Unidentified Imperial mechanic *Unidentified male Human inmate *Unidentified Quarren Galactic Alliance corporal *Jagged Fel's secretary *Unidentified Sith Saber (Ben Skywalker victim) *Unidentified Sith Saber (Luke Skywalker victim) *Unidentified Sullustan inmate *Porrak Vansyn *Vez *Viti *Bazel Warv / "Barv" *Izal Waz *Cagaran Wei *Cagaran Wei's mechanic *Cagaran Wei's son *Cagaran Wei's wife *Yoda *Zara *Zara's father *Zara's son *Zekk *Zeiers *Taryn Zel *Mavari Zudan
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