| - What would you like to see more of? Jayfeather losing his translator Willowpelt going psycho Both Rule: Only TOMS can be nominated Superpower Holder: N/A (everyone is sitting in the lounge) Bumblestripe: We only lost because you cheated! Snowfur: It's not my fault I have magic powers D: Bumblestripe: CHEATER! (goes in to bedroom and sulks) Brightheart: He's getting nominated. Bumblestripe: I HEARD THAT HALF-FACE! Brightheart: (curls up in to ball and cries) Cinderpelt: That was mean! Willowpelt: ENERGY DRINK! ENERGY DRINK! ENERGY DRINK! SUGAR HYPO! WOOOOOOOOO! PARTY TIME BROS! YEAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH! DRINK A MARIO MILKSHAKE! Mille: Who gave her an energy drink? Sorreltail: I forgot that the effects last for hours Firestar: Nuuuuuuuuuuuuuu! Foxleap: There's only one thing to do... Purdy: We need to make her vomit. Darkstripe: But then who'll clean it up? Everyone but Darkstripe: Bags not! Darkstripe: Crap. Jayfeather: Ok, on 3. 1... 2... uh, what comes after 2? Thrushpelt: 3! (everyone dives and Willowpelt) Willowpelt: NUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU! I'M BEING MAULED BY A 13-HEADED SEA MONSTER! Sorreltail: (makes Willowpelt gag) Willowpelt: (vomits) Cinderpelt: Ewwwww! Darkstripe clean that up! Bumblestripe: But... we all bagsed not! Darkstripe: Well I'm not doing it! Willowpelt: BANANA CAKE! TOFFE! CHOCOLATE STATUE! MWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAAHAHAHAHAHA! Darkstripe: Fine, I'll clean it. (gets out cleaning lady supplies) Brightheart: OMSC do a Consuela impresson! Darkstripe: I don't have glasses! Snowfur: (tosses glasses) Darkstripe: Eh... no, no uh, misser Willowpelt no home. Purdy: AWESOME! Willowpelt: I AM HOME! (mauls glasses) Darkstripe: Nuuuuuuuu! My glasses! Big Brother: All housemates, to the lounge (in the lounge) Big Brother: Housematees, it's time to nominate. Remember, only toms can be nominated. Everyone to the nominations room. (in the nominations room) Big Brother: Toms will nominate first. Purdy, to the chamber (Purdy enters) Big Brother: Purdy, you have 5 points to give to 2 toms. Nominate now. Purdy: For 3 points I nominate FOXLEAP, because he wouldn't let me watch the Home Shopping channel because he wanted to watch WWE. Big Brother: That is so fake! Accepted. Purdy: I know right? Big Brother: You have 2 points left. Purdy: For 2 points I nominate DARKSTRIPE, because in the challenge he told us to let the ball go because it was gonna go out, and it landed on the line and cost us the game! Big Brother: Accepted. Table: FOXLEAP 3 DARKSTRIKE 2 Bumblestripe 0 Firestar 0 Jayfeather 0 Purdy 0 Thrushpelt 0 Big Brother: Bumblestripe, to the chamber. (Bumblestripe enters) Big Brother: Bumblestripe, you have 5 points to give to 2 toms. Nominate now. Bumblestripe: For 4 points I nominate FIRESTAR, because he made the wrong choice by sitting out of the challenge. It should have been Jayfeather. Big Brother: Accepted. You have 1 point left. Bumblestripe: For 1 point I nominate JAYFEATHER because he was totally useless in the challenge! Big Brother: That's not nice, but accepted. Table: FIRESTAR 4 FOXLEAP 3 DARKSTRIPE 2 Jayfeather 1 Bumblestripe 0 Purdy 0 Thrushpelt 0 Big Brother: Darkstripe, to the chamber. (Darkstripe enters) Big Brother: Darkstripe, you have 5 points to give to 2 toms. Nominate now. Darkstripe: For 4 points I nominate FOXLEAP because he ripped one of my Tigerstar posters! Big Brother: Have you told him how much it upset you? Darkstripe: I ran out of the room crying... Big Brother: Then accepted. You have 1 point left. Darkstripe: For 1 point I nominate PURDY because I think he nominated me. Big Brother: Accepted. Table: FOXLEAP 7 FIRESTAR 4 DARKSTRIPE 2 Jayfeather 1 Purdy 1 Bumblestripe 0 Thrushpelt 0 Big Brother: Firestar, to the chamber. Firestar: Ahem. Millie: What? Firestar: You don't expect me to actually walk to the chamber? Carry me servants! (Frostfur and Brightheart carry Firestar to the chamber) Firestar: Thankyou servants. Here's a grape for each of you. (hands grapes) Frostfur: EEEEEEEE! (Firestar enters) Big Brother: Firestar, you have 5 points to give to 2 housemates. Nominate now. Firestar: For 4 points I nominate BUMBLESTRIPE because he's threatening my position as king, and there can only be one king! Big Brother: Accepted. You have 1 point left. Firestar: For 1 point I nominate DARKSTRIPE because he got my name wrong. He called me King Kittypet! Big Brother: Accepted. You may leave. Firestar: SERVANTS! (Millie and Frostfur carry him) Firestar: Thankyou. Have a grape. Frostfur: EEEEEEEEEEEEE! Big Brother: Jayfeather, to the chamber. Jayfeather: Grumpity! Snowfur: (sigh) His translator fell off. Again. Willowpelt: HE DOESN'T NEED A TRANSLATOR! I CAN TRANSLATE! Jayfeather: Grumpity grump! Willowpelt: OK I WON'T THEN! MILO PIE! (Snowfur casts a spell so the translator will never fall off) (Jayfeather enters the chamber) Big Brother: Jayfeather, you have 5 points to nominate 2 housemates. Nominate now. Jayfeather: For 3 points I nominate BUMBLESTRIPE. He kept trying to convince the others to sit me out and saying I was hopeless. Big Brothjer: Accepted. You have 2 points left. Jayfeather: For 2 points I nominate THRUSHPELT because he said he wasn't going to nominate me because I was blind. I HATE HAVING MY BLINDNESS USED AS AN EXCUSE!!! Big Brother: Uh... accepted? Off you go, Mr. Grumpy. Jayfeather: I AM NOT GRUMPY! Table: FOXLEAP 7 FIRESTAR 4 BUMBLESTRIPE 3 Darkstripe 2 Thrushpelt 2 Jayfeather 1 Purdy 1 Big Brother: Foxleap, to the chamber (Foxleap enters) Big Brother: Foxleap, you have 5 points to nominate 2 housemates. Nominate now. Foxleap: For 4 points I nominate PURDY because he made me miss WWE! Big Brother: Accepted. You have 1 point left. Foxleap: For 1 point I nominate THRUSHPELT because he keeps saying WWE is fake! Big Brother: That's cause it is. Foxleap: IT IS NOT! Table: FOXLEAP 7 PURDY 5 FIRESTAR 4 Bumblestripe 3 Thrushpelt 3 Darkstripe 2 Jayfeather 1 Big Brother: Thrushpelt, to the chamber. (Thrushpelt enters) Big Brother: Thrushpelt, you have 5 points to nominate 2 toms. Nominate now. Thrushpelt: For 3 points I nominate FIRESTAR because I'm sick of his laziness, and it cost us the challenge. Big Brother: Accepted. You have 2 points left. Thrushpelt: For 2 points I nominate FOXLEAP because his obsession with WWE, and his refusal to admit it's fake is driving me mental. Big Brother: Accepted. Table: FOXLEAP 9 FIRESTAR 7 PURDY 5 Bumblestripe 3 Thrushpelt 3 Darkstripe 2 Jayfeather 1 Big Brother: And now for the she-cats. Sorreltail, to the chamber. (Sorreltail enters) Big Brother: Sorreltail, you have 5 points to nominate 2 toms. Nominate now. Sorreltail: For 4 points I nominate DARKSTRIPE because I HATE HIM SO @$^&%^% MUCH!!! Big Brother: No swearing in the chamber. Sorreltail: Sorry. Big Brother: You have 1 point left. Sorrreltail: For 1 point I nominate FOXLEAP because he put a poster of a twoleg in the bedroom AND THAT MAKES SORRELTAIL CRANKY!!!!!!!!!! Big Brother: Accepted. Table: FOXLEAP 10 FIRESTAR 7 DARKSTRIPE 6 Purdy 5 Bumblestripe 3 Thrushpelt 3 Jayfeather 1 Big Brother: Brightheart, to the chamber. (Brightheart enters) Big Brother: Brightheart, you have 5 points to give to 2 toms. Nominate now. Brightheart: For 4 points I nominate BUMBLESTRIPE because he always whines and calls me half-face. Big Brother: Accepted. You have 1 point left. Brightheart: For 1 point I nominate THRUSHPELT because he seems to be really good a challenges. Big Brother: Accepted. Table: FOXLEAP 10 FIRESTAR 7 BUMBLESTRIPE 7 Darkstripe 6 Purdy 5 Thrushpelt 4 Jayfeather 1 Big Brother: Snowfur, to the chamber. (Snowfur enters) Big Brother: Snowfur, you have 5 points to nominate 2 toms. Nominate now. Snowfur: Uh, well for 3 points I nominate FIRESTAR because he's acting like everyone is his servant just cause he's leader. Big Brother: Accepted. You have 2 points left. Snowfur: For 2 points I nominate BUMBLESTRIPE because he whines too much. Big Brother: Accepted. Table: FIRESTAR 10 FOXLEAP 10 BUMBLESTRIPE 9 Darkstripe 6 Purdy 5 Thrushpelt 4 Jayfeather 1 Big Brother: Frostfur, to the chamber. (Frostfur enters) Big Brother: Frostfur, you have 5 points to nominate 2 toms. Nominate now. Frostfur: For 3 points I nominate FOXLEAP because he and Purdy arguing over the TV was ridiculous. Big Brother: Accepted. You have 2 points left. Frostfur: For 2 points I nominate PURDY for the same reason, Big Brother: Accepted. Table: FOXLEAP 13 FIRESTAR 10 BUMBLESTRIPE 9 Purdy 7 Darkstripe 6 Thrushpelt 4 Jayfeather 1 Big Brother: Cinderpelt to the chamber (Cinderpelt enters) Big Brother: Cinderpelt, you have 5 points to nominate 2 toms. Nominate now. Cinderpelt: For 3 points I nominate BUMBLESTRIPE because he's mean to Brightheart and always complains. Big Brother: Accepted. You have 2 points left. Cinderpelt: For 2 points I nominate PURDY because he's werid, Big Brother: Accepted. Table: FOXLEAP 13 BUMBLESTRIPE 12 FIRESTAR 10 Purdy 9 Darkstripe 6 Thrushpelt 4 Jayfeather 1 Big Brother: Willowpelt to the chamber Willowpelt: IT'S TIME TO NOMINATE IT'S TIME TO DANCE LIKE A CHICKEN! WOOOOO! (sprints in to chamber) NUUUUUUUUUUUU! CONFINED SPACE! CLAUSTROPHOBIA! AAAAAAAAAAAH! POTATOS! (mauls chamber) THAT'S BETTER! Big Brother: Nuuuuuuuuu! Now there is nowhere to nominate! Brightheart: Just go to the Diary Room? Big Brother: But we have to nominate in the chamber! it's the rules! (stamps foot) Millie build a new chamber> Millie: No. Big Brother: Millie build a new chamber? Millie: Stop it! D: Big Brother: Mille build a new chamber? Millie: FINE! Big Brother: We'll be back in an hour (1 hour later) Millie: There... it's done. (panting) I think... I'm gonna need... a box of chilli prawns! (Big Brother gives her a box of prawns) Millie: (noms on prawns) Big Brother: Willowpelt, to the chamber (Willowpelt enters) Big Brother: Don't destroy this one. You have 5 points to nominate 2 toms. Nominate now. Willowpelt: FOR 4 POINTS I NOMINATE DARKSTRIPE CAUSE HE FED MY DAUGHTER DEATHBERRIES! YELLOW FLAVOURED WATERMELONS! HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! Big Brother: Accepted. You have 1 point left. Willowpelt: FOR 1 POINT I NOMINATE FIRESTAR BECAUSE HE MADE FROSTFUR PUT ME IN A LOCKER!!!!! WHO WANTS A SPARKLEY TRUMPET WITH CRYSTAL PIE??? WOOOOOOO! Big Brother: Accepted. Table: FOXLEAP 13 BUMBLESTRIPE 12 FIRESTAR 11 Darkstripe 10 Purdy 9 Thrushpelt 4 Jayfeather 1 Big Brother: Mille to the chamber. (Millie enters) Big Brother: Mille you have 5 points to nominate 2 toms. Nominate now. Millie: For 3 points I nominate FIRESTAR because he asked me the same question 3 times when he knows I hate it, and also, he's being mean to my widdle Bumbly Big Brother: Accepted. You have 2 points left Millie: For 2 points I nominate JAYFEATHER because he's grumpy all the time! Big Brother: Accepted. Nominations are over. All cats to the lounge. FINAL TABLE FIRESTAR 14 FOXLEAP 13 BUMBLESTRIPE 12 Darkstripe 10 Purdy 9 Thrushpelt 4 Jayfeather 3 (in the lounge) Big Brother: I will now reveal the cats nominated and the number of points they received. On 14 points, FIRESTAR. Firestar: (gasp) TREASON! Big Brother: On 13 points, FOXLEAP Foxleap: Nuuuuuu! Big Brother: And on 12 points, BUMBLESTRIPE Bumblestripe: That's soooooooooooooo unfair! What did I do to get nominated? Snowfur: That. Big Brother: Firestar, Foxleap, Bumblestripe, at the end of the week, one of you WILL become the first cat evicted. That is all.