| - Cravsh was the last Miskara of the Vagaari Empire. Born on the Vagaari homeworld of Vagar Praxut, Cravsh had become Miskara of the Empire by 140 ABY. Scout ships from the Empire's fleet found worlds which the Vagaari had previously known to be under the protection of the Chiss Ascendancy abandoned to their own devices. Encouraged by the discovery, Cravsh organized the Empire for war and ordered an invasion of Tenupe. Though the Vagaari soon discovered that they were facing not the Ascendancy, but a thoroughly infuriated Golden Empire, Cravsh insisted on proceeding with the war. Gohsh, his Supreme Commander, worried that any force which could defeat the Ascendancy would pose a threat to the Vagaari as well, but Cravsh countered that facing the Ascendancy must have depleted the enemy's resources. The failure of the Empire to immediately recapture Tenupe seemed to confirm his theory. As the Vagaari War began in earnest, Cravsh left most of the details of war to Gohsh, focusing more on the expansion of Vagaari slave operations. Some Chiss were taken, but the Royal Navy prevented the Vagaari from making headway beyond the traditional boundaries of the Ascendancy. As the war continued, Cravsh was forced to deal with uprising and economic disruption on some of his own worlds as the Centurion Aria Nikina led slave revolts. Despite Cravsh's bounties for her, she evaded capture, and the Armada gained toeholds in Vagaari territory. In 143 ABY, the Golden Empire repelled the Ssi-ruuvi Incursion and at last devoted all its resources to the Vagaari fight. The Vagaari began losing ground, and what had once seemed near-victory turned into calamity. When its coordinates were discovered, Rin Sakaros ordered the total destruction of Vagar Praxut, and the planet was shelled into a smoking ruin. As it became clear that the Golden Empire was bent on nothing less than speciecide, the rank-and-file Vagaari became increasingly desperate to stave off their inevitable decimation. Several officers and bureaucrats aboard Cravsh's flagship agreed to sell him to Tariun Sakaros. Once he became apprised of the double-cross, Cravsh and his bodyguards fought back, and both sides suffered numerous casualties. Cravsh himself died from a blaster shot through the eye hole of his mask. Centurions boarded the flagship and took possession of Cravsh's body and mask, then rounded up survivors for interrogation. The rest of the ships in the flotilla were blasted to debris by the Empire in a double-cross of their own. Cravsh's body was incinerated without ceremony, but his mask was placed in the Temple of Rin on Kavez Massass as a trophy.