| - Part of the art of making something seem like home is making it comfy - not just physically comfortable, but also comforting. There are many ways to do this, and the best ways will vary based on the residents of the home. Some potential contributing factors are
* familiar objects, for a small child this could be a stuffed animal, for others, grandma's quilt or the family bible or shrine, family pictures
* routines, like sit-down dinners for everyone at a regular time, bed-time stories
* a place of one's own to adjust and decorate as one likes
* physical comfort is not enough, but it is helpful: a chair to curl up in, a warm bed
* something to make you feel relaxed and special - a fire in the fireplace, a hot bath, a wine rack
* putting down roots - sometimes literally with gardening or by getting to know the neighbors, participating in the community What makes you feel "at home"—safe, comfortable?
- Material can be considered comfy if:
* The material is GOAT for cuddling with a significant other.
* The material persuades the person nearest you that you're very interested in to cuddle up with you.
* The material is well written and produced to a point that it draws you in and doesn't let go.
* The material is poorly written or produced and has a B-movie nature to it, making one laugh or feel at peace by the sheer silliness in the material's creation - this is particularly true if the actors seem to be genuinely trying to make the material good.
* /who/ says so.