| - Epsilon Starcracker is a Nexus Force Scout who operates in Avant Gardens. After the Maelstrom attacked the Venture Explorer, Beck Strongheart dispatched Epsilon Starcracker to scout the battlefield surrounding Paradox Research Facility and aid any escapees of the doomed ship. Wisp Lee sends players to speak with Epsilon, who has taken up position at an outpost and fires his laser gun at any Stromling who wanders too close. Epsilon Starcracker arms players with a basic hammer, sword, or spear and sends them to smash ten Stromlings on the battlefield. Then, Epsilon sends players to check in with Beck Strongheart at the Sentinel Encampment to learn about the Sentinels. Players return to Epsilon Starcracker with Sentinel Faction's approval for entry into the Nexus Force. Epsilon tells players to prove themselves to Paradox as well, sending them to learn what happened at the Paradox Research Facility. When players return with Paradox's approval, Epsilon Starcracker officially inducts the players into the Nexus Force. Then, Epsilon sends players into the Maelstrom Mine to meet up with Melodie Foxtrot. Epsilon Starcracker remains at his outpost, where he gives Daily Missions to players to smash Stromlings and Stromling Mechs. Epsilon Starcracker was later assigned to travel to the Venture Explorer and locate ten Datacards aboard the ship that contained information concerning the Nexus Tower. He arrived aboard the wrecked spaceship only to find it infested with Hammer Stromlings, Corrupted Sentries, and Elite Dark Spiderlings. Taking position on an elevated platform, Epsilon Starcracker assigns players with the mission of collecting the ten Datacards before the enemy could learn too much about Nexus Tower. Next, he sends players on missions to smash twenty-five Hammer Stromlings, six Corrupted Sentries, and three Elite Dark Spiderlings. Learning that the ship has decoded a message from the Maelstrom itself, Epsilon Starcracker sends players to collect the data from ten consoles aboard the ship. Piecing the message together, Epsilon Starcracker learns a warning from the Darkitect that "All your base are belong to me!" When he tries to radio Sky Lane about this, their communications break up. Players can return to the Venture Explorer and speak with Epsilon Starcracker, who assigns Daily Missions to smash twenty-five Hammer Stromlings, six Corrupted Sentries, and three Elite Dark Spiderlings. He also gives Daily Missions to try decoding another message from the Maelstrom, but each time it only turns out to be mere chaos than a true message.