Carida, originally known as Ord Carida, was a planet of the Colonies region of the galaxy, near the Perlemian Trade Route, and the homeworld of the Caridan race.
Carida, originally known as Ord Carida, was a planet of the Colonies region of the galaxy, near the Perlemian Trade Route, and the homeworld of the Caridan race.
*Carida Corsairs' base
*Caridan district
*Forgofshar Desert
*Officer's Candidate School
*Ressl River
*Spinara Plateau
**Academy of Carida
***Dean's Residence
***Imperial Navy Command Officer's School
***Storm Commando School
*Tarkin's Teeth
Carida, originally known as Ord Carida, was a planet of the Colonies region of the galaxy, near the Perlemian Trade Route, and the homeworld of the Caridan race.