Created by Mata Nui, The Necronites, along with the Intellians, settled on the isle of Nocterra, eventually becoming the island's main inhabitants. The Necronites became weapon smiths and engineers, creating and selling machinery of various kinds to Xia and the Brotherhood of Makuta. At some unknown point in time, the Necronites declared war on the Saursapiens of Archosa, the result of disagreement about the prices Archosa demanded for the tools they made. After three years of war, the two islands were calmed by the Brotherhood of Makuta and made an uneasy truce.
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| - Created by Mata Nui, The Necronites, along with the Intellians, settled on the isle of Nocterra, eventually becoming the island's main inhabitants. The Necronites became weapon smiths and engineers, creating and selling machinery of various kinds to Xia and the Brotherhood of Makuta. At some unknown point in time, the Necronites declared war on the Saursapiens of Archosa, the result of disagreement about the prices Archosa demanded for the tools they made. After three years of war, the two islands were calmed by the Brotherhood of Makuta and made an uneasy truce.
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| - Massive Strength, Energy Blasts
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| - Created by Mata Nui, The Necronites, along with the Intellians, settled on the isle of Nocterra, eventually becoming the island's main inhabitants. The Necronites became weapon smiths and engineers, creating and selling machinery of various kinds to Xia and the Brotherhood of Makuta. During the reign of the Barraki and the League of Six Kingdoms, the Necronites was one of the many races under the rule of the warlord known as Mantax. Though the Nocterrians served Mantax's will by supplying weapons and soldiers, the Necronites weren't the most cooperative of his subjects, and were among the first to break free of Mantax's rule after the warlord and his allies were defeated. At some unknown point in time, the Necronites declared war on the Saursapiens of Archosa, the result of disagreement about the prices Archosa demanded for the tools they made. After three years of war, the two islands were calmed by the Brotherhood of Makuta and made an uneasy truce.