| - The Verbal Tic version of Ooh, Me Accent's Slipping. A character with a weird speaking habit, such as rhyming all the time, using pseudo-archaic terms, outdated slang, or just any weird speech habit, starts to trip up after trying to keep up the speaking habit for a while. One common example is a constant rhymer who starts to trip up on his rhymes as the story progresses, either making nonsense rhymes, or forgetting to rhyme. Almost always played for laughs. Examples of Verbal Ticked include:
| - The Verbal Tic version of Ooh, Me Accent's Slipping. A character with a weird speaking habit, such as rhyming all the time, using pseudo-archaic terms, outdated slang, or just any weird speech habit, starts to trip up after trying to keep up the speaking habit for a while. One common example is a constant rhymer who starts to trip up on his rhymes as the story progresses, either making nonsense rhymes, or forgetting to rhyme. Almost always played for laughs. Note this is not a complete failure to keep up a verbal habit from the beginning, like Delusions of Eloquence. Nor a single attempt, like Mixed Metaphor. This is when the character is established to have the habit, but starts to falter as time goes on. Related to Buffy-Speak and Sophisticated As Hell, which can overlap if the person is known for big words, but starts to trip up after a while. Similarly, instances can fall into Mixed Metaphor, Metaphorgotten, Ice Cream Koan, and several other 'failed' attempts at verbal tics. Examples of Verbal Ticked include: