| - A Tale Of The Lost Duri ng the Virus Outbreak, one military unit stood strong. United, they rose to meet the challenge of rebuilding. Forming a strong society they prospered above all odds, until corruption struck, and their leader went mad with power. Driven by a will to fight against this cruel tyrant, a number of his loyal men stood against him and were outcast for there so called crimes. During this time of revelation, others began to break away from under his foul wing and join those that were cast aside. With a bounty placed on their heads, they searched for a safe haven. Coming across the city of Fairview they settled down and ceased there journey. Ex military units flocked to their side, each having made the dangerous journey to meet up with their comrades in arms. This would be th
| - A Tale Of The Lost Duri ng the Virus Outbreak, one military unit stood strong. United, they rose to meet the challenge of rebuilding. Forming a strong society they prospered above all odds, until corruption struck, and their leader went mad with power. Driven by a will to fight against this cruel tyrant, a number of his loyal men stood against him and were outcast for there so called crimes. During this time of revelation, others began to break away from under his foul wing and join those that were cast aside. With a bounty placed on their heads, they searched for a safe haven. Coming across the city of Fairview they settled down and ceased there journey. Ex military units flocked to their side, each having made the dangerous journey to meet up with their comrades in arms. This would be the place they would make there final stand, and if it called for it, the place they would lay down there lives for freedom. As brothers embraced they came to realize that they were now alone in a hostile and strange new world. Only together could they hope to survive the brutality of a city in chaos. Cut off from the mad dictator they left behind, they would form a society where the people would no longer be corrupted and manipulated by those who had oppressed them for so long. Standing tall these banished people knew that a new dawn was upon them, but something was missing. Coming from a military background, they where used to a chain of command, and needed a rank structure. One day,, as they were deciding on how to restructure them self's,,, one mercenary was playing with a deck of card's, then it hit them, with a deck as our rank's, we can stick to our background, and build a system worthy to mercenary's, this is our order, this is our pride, and with this system, we found ourselves, and our strength once more as a unit. Like a phoenix from the ashes, these brave men and women have risen once more.