"Predap", known as "Predator" (プレデター) in the OCG, is an archetype primarily consisting of DARK Plant monsters used by Yuri in the Yu-Gi-Oh! ARC-V anime and manga. It contains a sub-archetype comprised of its monsters, "Predaplant". Due to its Japanese name, "Goyo Predator" is also a member of this archetype. However, because TCG/OCG support for this archetype only works on cards in the hand and Main Deck, this is not an issue.
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| - "Predap", known as "Predator" (プレデター) in the OCG, is an archetype primarily consisting of DARK Plant monsters used by Yuri in the Yu-Gi-Oh! ARC-V anime and manga. It contains a sub-archetype comprised of its monsters, "Predaplant". Due to its Japanese name, "Goyo Predator" is also a member of this archetype. However, because TCG/OCG support for this archetype only works on cards in the hand and Main Deck, this is not an issue.
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| - "Moray Nepenthes", "Flytrap", "Pterapenthes", "Spinodionaea", "Sarraceniant" and "Squid Drosera" in the artwork of "Predaplanet"
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| - * High-Speed Riders
* Invasion: Vengeance
* Booster SP: Fusion Enforcers
* V Jump January 2017 promotional card
* Maximum Crisis
* Dimension Box Limited Edition
* Fusion Enforcers
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| - "Predap", known as "Predator" (プレデター) in the OCG, is an archetype primarily consisting of DARK Plant monsters used by Yuri in the Yu-Gi-Oh! ARC-V anime and manga. It contains a sub-archetype comprised of its monsters, "Predaplant". Due to its Japanese name, "Goyo Predator" is also a member of this archetype. However, because TCG/OCG support for this archetype only works on cards in the hand and Main Deck, this is not an issue.