| - Over The Hedge 2 is a 2015 computer animated film sequel to 2006 film Over The Hedge. The film was directed By Tim Johnson and Karey Kirkpatrick, produced by Tim Johnson, Bonnie Arnold, Karey Kirkpatrick and Chris Sanders. Matthew O' Callaghan will be a second director for the sequel. The film features the cast from the first film were Bruce Willis, Garry Shandling, Steve Carell, William Shatner, Wanda Sykes, Avril Lavigne, Eugene Levy and Catherine O'Hara reprise their roles from the film with the expections of Nick Nolte (the voice of Vincent). Alec Baldwin replaced him and made his voice higher pitch. New characters will be voiced by Molly Shannon, Andy García, Betty White, Sam Elliott, Joy Behar, Susan Sarandon, Jimmy Fallon, Kristen Schaal, Whoopi Goldberg, Cheech Marin, Joe Mantegna, Pitbull, Jenifer Lewis, Bruno Mars, Phillip Lawrence, Nicki Minaj, Claudia Christian, Janelle Monáe, Teri Hatcher, Bill Hader, John Leguizamo, Charlie Day, Drake, Rebel Wilson and Leslie Mann.