| - The Tirikkin were the Near-Human people who evolved on Hellenes Gracca from Human colonists who crashed there 28,000 BBY. In 8,000 BBY they colonized neighboring Beroutz. The Tirikkin were outwardly all but indistinguishable from baseline humans, although genetically distinct enough to be considered near-human, as a result of millennia of isolation from the galactic community. Skin color varied from pale white to tan to olive. Hair color was usually brown or black. Eye color was typically brown. Tirikkin were on average taller and lankier than baseline humans, with long legs, wiry builds, cleft chins, and broad shoulders. They were known to be swift runners, and could cover long differences at a fast paste without exhaustion due to increased respiration efficiency and unique hip structures
| - The Tirikkin were the Near-Human people who evolved on Hellenes Gracca from Human colonists who crashed there 28,000 BBY. In 8,000 BBY they colonized neighboring Beroutz. The Tirikkin were outwardly all but indistinguishable from baseline humans, although genetically distinct enough to be considered near-human, as a result of millennia of isolation from the galactic community. Skin color varied from pale white to tan to olive. Hair color was usually brown or black. Eye color was typically brown. Tirikkin were on average taller and lankier than baseline humans, with long legs, wiry builds, cleft chins, and broad shoulders. They were known to be swift runners, and could cover long differences at a fast paste without exhaustion due to increased respiration efficiency and unique hip structures that gave them a long, efficient gait. Their brains were structured for superior coordination, making them excellent acrobats, gymnasts, riders, and pilots. Despite their few genetic differences, they were capable of interbreeding with most humans and near-humans. The Tirikkin developed a system of city-states on Hellenes Gracca ruled by absolute monarchies. However, the Tirikkin on Beroutz developed two separate cultures: the Deriada, village-dwelling hunters ruled by matriarchs, and the Mousa, who dwelt in city-states like their ancestors on Hellenes Gracca but replaced absolute monarchies with democracies. When the two Tirikkin-inhabited planets became politically united into a single sovereign body, they chose a constitutional monarchy which combined all three Tirikkin models of government.