| - Before the thought of Exthalion was ever born, their existed the ancient and mighty Empire of Orithena. For nearly two and a half thousand years Orithena florished. The government encouraged and fostered the arts and sciences and the empire became the jewel of the world. However external troubles and several decade of low crop yields, plague, and war led to a rebellion of the populous against the intellectuals. The massive tide of destruction that heralded the end of the Orithena was finally ended when a massive volcanic eruption and an accompanying tidal wave destroyed large coastal regions and capital of Orithena. The events together are remembered by many cultures as a time of great cataclysm and the time before a lost golden age. Only the Exthalians remember the truth. The Empire of Exthalion was founded when scientist, artists, philosophers, engineers, theologians, doctors, lawyers and other intellectuals left their regions of origin during and after the fall of Orithena to found a new society. In this new world fear and mistrust for the esoteric were abandon while ethical and moral principles were to be upheld without violence. Despite the obvious similarities to socialism and communal living, Exthalion was to be a nation of individuals, not a society of social machines. Led by the first Minyatur Teleperion who was called Merilena the structure and foundation was forged for a new order, one which would shake the very foundations of the world. Despite the grand pretentions of the founders, the nation developed in relative secrecy for most of its history. Long an advocate of self reliance the Mathic system which pervaded most of the population served as a serious barrier to all normal aspects of government. Despite the occasional bid by one Math or another for independence from the tedium of the rest of the world, all of which have failed, the Empire has always been internally stable and goodwill of every citizen toward every other was the rule, not the exception. The Empire has among other self imposed tasks, kept a detailed and unbiased history of the world. Even in the ancient era they had circumnavigated the globe. The histories, great works or culture and science, myths and material conditions of nearly every people group is stored or preserved in the records and achieves of Exthalion. The work of other groups who have sought the same end proved invaluable, but every fact was first verified before becoming part of the official records. For nearly five millennia Exthalian waited and watched. The area that is now Exthalion as at various times in history occupied by other polities but Exthalion was not perturbed.